RichC | February 27, 2015
A debate over controlling free and open access to the “pipes of the Internet” is not as simple (or probably as inexpensive) as it sounds. While the Federal Communications Commission considered views for and against regulating the Internet on Thursday, called “net neutrality,” the commission voted in favor by 3-2. In comments, FCC chairman Tom […]
Category: Innovation, Politics, Technology |
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Tags: debate, govenment, internet, net neutrality, regulation
RichC | June 3, 2011
At age 85, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan talked candidly with the CNBC hosts this morning about the looming “debt ceiling” debate and more importantly our country’s lack of unity in addressing our deficit spending. Interestingly he is currently supporting some increases in taxes as a compromise realizing that in a divided government one […]
Category: Financial, Politics, Video-TV |
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Tags: cbnc, ceiling, debt, deficit, govenment, greenspan