How old is too old to be POTUS … or is it a cognitive thing?

| July 6, 2024

Reading “view from the right” on this week has me wondering if our presidential candidates are getting too old … or if age is not the factor, perhaps having candidates pass the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) would be helpful?  Retirement Ages — by Stephen Macaulay Here’s something for your July 4th distraction, a list […]

Watching President Biden struggle as he ages is difficult, even for those of us who disagree with his leadership and policies

| June 29, 2024

This past week, I had the intention of blogging in a bit more detail on the first Biden – Trump Presidential Debate … but it almost feels wrong to be critical of President Biden in his current rapidly deteriorating condition. I’m not sure he will make a second debate no matter how accommodating it is […]

Amateurs debating the economy is a fun exercise, but worthless!

| December 17, 2023

My buddy Jeff and I enjoy debating and learning from each other while sharing what we are reading. We are far from experts on anything (I should speak for myself), but that doesn’t stop us from opining. HA! Last week with the Federal Reserve “pausing” on interest rate hikes with inflation coming down and semi-telegraphed […]

Are you a Coffee or a Tea drinker? Coffee for me, please!

| June 1, 2022

Who doesn’t enjoy of teasing friends back and forth over foodie items? Here’s one that I’m going to debate with my friend Jeff … as he has always been a “Tea drinker” and I’ve been a “Coffee guy.” I’ll start with my pro-military, flag-waving “patriotic Americans drink coffee” position, and I’m sure he’ll lay out […]

The many political ‘ISMs’ discussed in our culture today #TBT

| October 21, 2021

Every time I use political term with an “ism” these days, I sense I need to clarify the meaning as much as for myself as to the person I’m talking too. Often I’ll refer to an online resource in order to be sure that I’m not misspeaking … but usually its because the terms have […]

Civility in debating political views and “my” Letter to the Editor

| May 12, 2021

In February 2021, I mentioned The Hustings news website which highlighted how much I appreciated that in America we can hold different political views and civilly debate issues without fear of government retribution (First Amendment). Unfortunately in the past decade or so our differences have become so divisive and derisive, that I’m not sure that […]

A softening in attitude towards socialism for America

| March 16, 2021

Support for socialism has been on the rise in America as I have previously noted and according to trend we have seen and the acceptable rhetoric/terms politicians have been willing to adopt this past decade. Liberals, who now prefer the “progressive” label, have decidedly shifted from resisting the status quo, traditional “right and wrong” norms, […]

Political venting and a new website called

| February 9, 2021

Did you ever have a political discussion or receive an email that generated a desire to reply and explain? That sort of happened to me this weekend … but I decided there isn’t an upside in the one on one reply. The best approach, as is often the case when talking about faith and religion, […]

Biden and Trump debate as the 2020 Presidential Election nears

| September 30, 2020

“INCOMING!” (reference to the diving falcon photo)  With best intentions, I had hoped to post on Tuesday night’s first of 3 presidential debates for Wednesday morning – nope … maybe over lunch? I am with those who are embarrassed at what we now see and hear from our political leaders. To be honest, the “offensive […]

Winning freedom is one thing, maintaining it is yet another

| July 4, 2020

As we celebrate our country’s freedom from oppression and an independence won from Great Britain this July 4th, it is hard to imagine any US citizen wanting to give up their liberty? Yet once again, it is looking more and more as if a vocal and radical segment in the most successful democracy on the […]

Do you participate in Us vs Them with life and political issues?

| October 5, 2019

Most people recognize how polarized our country has become … thanks in part to politicians and the media fanning the divisive flames. I’m not sure why we fall prey to their tactics, but generating hate and dislike for each other does seem to work when it comes to building campaign war-chests and rabid supporters. I […]

Personal thoughts on recent events in El Paso and Dayton, Ohio

| August 7, 2019

Way too often our citizens in cities and communities across the country suffer at the hands of criminals and most notably disturbed individuals in our society. The topic rises to the top of the political news when there is a mass-killing and the weapon is a semi-automatic firearm and the target are ordinary people living […]

Our culture has accepted two huge lies … a Rick Warren #quote

| August 4, 2019

Rick Warren has one of the more fitting quotes for our current cultural divide: “Our culture has accepted two huge lies. The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are […]

Tech Friday: The challenges of policing speech on social media

| July 12, 2019

There are challenges from users and governments facing several of the companies who make money advertising to the millions of eyeballs and the marketing of users personal data. We all want “free services,” but most people dislike the collection and selling of their personal data or having to sift through advertising … especially when it […]

The challenges of pursing the American Dream – a discussion

| June 21, 2019

Taylor is my millennial antagonist when it comes to discussing politics, investing and both government and personal finances. We both enjoy debating, so it’s cool most of the time. He is also a product of his generation just as I am of mine. We view the role and expanse of government differently when it comes […]

And then there were five: Yup, another GOP Debate

| February 26, 2016

The Republicans are going through a slugfest this year in part due to having such a large field of candidates to whittle down. Just a few months ago, the debates had 16 GOP hopefully, and yet according to pundits, five is still three too many (probably true if you are supporting any other candidate but […]

The #GOPDebate hosted by FoxBusiness and the WSJ

| November 10, 2015

As a big fan of the Wall Street Journal and the FoxBusiness network, I’m looking forward to the next GOP debate tonight (9PM Tuesday 11/10/2015) and am hoping the moderators do a better job than last months CNBC hosted debate. I suspect Maria Bartiromo, Neil Cavuto and Gerard Baker will work particularly hard to avoid […]

Archive: An email response on the GOP and Dem debates

| October 16, 2015

I wrote and email the other day explaining my thoughts to someone commenting that they were impressed with the Democrats and and not so impressed with the Republicans after watching three recent debates by 20+ different candidates. Since I put a little time and thought into my reply, I figured it might be blog-worthy … […]

Second GOP debate: Fiorina and Rubio stood out

| September 17, 2015

Last night’s second GOP debate on CNN at the Reagan Library wasn’t bad as debates go. The current frontrunner, the attention grabbing Donald Trump did one thing for the Republican brand … he got generated attention. His grade school behavior buffoonery brought far viewers to  the stodgy GOP and that alone could help Republicans ideas […]

Social networking, a show of support and our changing values

| April 3, 2015

No matter which side of the political tug-of-war you are on when debating “marriage,” there is something distasteful about using ordinary people as political fodder. Crystal O’Connor was one such naive pawn used for divisive purposes as Indiana’s Governor Mike Pence tiptoed around modifying the Religious Freedom Restoration Act know as Senate Bill 568. The national media and LGBT activists highlighted O’Connor’s Christian opinions regarding “providing […]

What will the new FCC Internet regulations cost the taxpayer?

| February 27, 2015

A debate over controlling free and open access to the “pipes of the Internet” is not as simple (or probably as inexpensive) as it sounds. While the Federal Communications Commission considered views for and against regulating the Internet on Thursday, called “net neutrality,” the commission voted in favor by 3-2. In comments, FCC chairman Tom […]

S.W.E.A.T. — Mike Rowe has ideas that needs to be heard

| August 25, 2014

Uncommon brilliance from a voice “for” the common man … that would be Mike Rowe. His answer to a reader Facebook post from earlier this month is worth reading. Off The Wall Interesting conversation over on the wall. It was started by a guy called Jayson LaVictorie, who has posted a few thousand words about […]

My summary of the 3rd presidential debate at Lynn University

| October 24, 2012

The final presidential debate was held at Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida on Monday night (a college visit there in 2007) and the sit down face-to-face capped off the campaign season – I don’t think most Americans could take any more. I personally found it interesting, but assume most were bored with the foreign […]

Follow up: Is President Obama just running on fumes?

| October 17, 2012

Over the lunch hour today, I reviewed a few articles and opinions regarding last night’s debate, as well as skimmed through my Twitter feed. What stood out were Romney supporters focused on the content and ideas clearly stated by Mitt Romney. He was focused on the economy and jobs which requires a direction change. This […]

Obama and Romney should have been wearing boxing gloves

| October 17, 2012

In one corner, wearing a dark suit is the undefeated President of the United States Barack Obama! [cheers and jeers] In the other corner also in a dark suit is the challenger, Salt Lake City Olympics rescuer, Governor Mitt Romney! [more cheers and jeers] Neither man wore gloves, but should have, as they at times […]

Another GOP debate and a feisty one at that

| October 19, 2011

I spent the 8 to 10PM hours Tuesday night watching yet another GOP debate, this one hosted on CNN. This time the top tier of the Republican field came out fired up and directed jabs at each other. I suspect viewers who prefer to see Obama as the target were somewhat uncomfortable with the body […]

Feisty Republican debate in Iowa Thursday night – 8/11/2011

| August 12, 2011

Without too much expectation we watched the presidential hopefuls in the Republican debate last night and came away surprised. Several of the candidates in Iowa avoided the canned talking points and went out on a limb in presenting fresh and thoughtful ideas; almost all candidates convinced me that the field is far more qualified than […]

Presidential Debate changes few minds

| September 27, 2008

No real winner, no real loser … that’s the conclusion in my unscientific reading of the newspapers and websites garnered this morning. I thought both candidates handled themselves well considering the heavy focus on Capital Hill over the economic crisis. Both candidate are in support of government coming to the aid of our nations’ banks. […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog