RichC | April 8, 2015
Very confusing numbers in a recent Wall Street Journal graph noting that the number of job openings being posted are way up (green line) … up to the highest level in 14 years. That’s good news right? Unfortunately a look at the red line shows the number of hiring. Hmm, that trend has moved down, […]
Category: Audio, Financial, News, Video-TV |
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Tags: cnbc, economy, graph, hiring, jobs, krueger, labor, participation, Princeton, siemens, Spiegel, statistics, wsj
RichC | July 10, 2014
I listened to a debate on CNBC on Wednesday morning featuring Princeton economics professor Alan Krueger discussing the problems of long term unemployment which lead to Joe Kernen suggesting there are financial disincentives to taking entry level jobs … the kind of work the unemployed need to gain experience. Krueger discounted that people weigh the […]
Category: Audio, Business, Financial, Politics |
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Tags: cato, cnbc, economics, economy, government, krueger, mp3, welfare