RichC | May 22, 2023
Another Music Monday and another 1970s hit. This week it is the Little River Band’s “So Many Paths” hit from their Sleeper Catcher album in 1978. I can still recall putting the album on the turntable in our ONU dorm room as we all tried to study. Good memories and a great time to be in […]
Category: Music |
Tags: little river band, lrb, music monday, musicmonday, so many paths
RichC | June 20, 2022
Just another Music Monday song from the 1970s, as heard on the relatively new SiriusXM Yacht Rock, Deep Cuts, Xtra “app-only” channel (from what I can tell?) Today song is from Australia’s Little River Band called “So Many Paths” … from side-B of their 1978 album, “Sleeper Catcher.” Little River Band – “So […]
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: deep cuts, little river band, lrb, music monday, musicmonday, rock, siriiusxm, sleeper catcher, so many paths, yacht, youtube
RichC | November 18, 2019
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Category: Memories, Music, Sailing |
Tags: college, cool change, little river band, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, song, turntable