Music Monday: Chicago and “Old Days” from 1975

| May 20, 2024

It has been a few years, but I can still see my “puffed-cheek tuba playing roommate” (mentioned before) practice playing the orchestrated music of Chicago in our Founders Hall dorm room at ONU. Great memories. So for this week’s Music Monday, after hearing “Old Days” on the SiriusXM 70son7 channel, here’s the #5 hit from 1975 […]

Music Monday: “Lola” by The Kinks

| January 8, 2024

Took a screenshot of my iPhone’s Sirius XM app last month while listening to an old Casey Kasem‘s American Top 40 countdown on the 70’s channel. There’s always something that catches my ear on the weekends when it comes to 1970s songs and thought it was a good choice for Music Monday. The song was […]

Music Monday: “Baby I Love Your Way” by Peter Frampton

| September 18, 2023

When I hear Peter Frampton, I’m transported back to high school and riding with a photographer friend Chris Carr in Sidney, Ohio … and istening to “Frampton Comes Alive!” in his first generation Chevy II Nova with an 8-track player (previous post)!   So for today’s Music Monday‘s “flashback memory,” here’s “Baby I Love Your […]

Music Monday: Al Stewart and “The Year Of The Cat” (1976)

| July 17, 2023

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Music Monday: “So Many Paths” by Little River Band

| June 20, 2022

Just another Music Monday song from the 1970s, as heard on the relatively new SiriusXM Yacht Rock, Deep Cuts, Xtra “app-only” channel (from what I can tell?)  Today song is from Australia’s Little River Band  called “So Many Paths” … from side-B of their 1978 album, “Sleeper Catcher.”      Little River Band – “So […]

Music Monday: One big 1970’s hit for Chairmen of the Board

| December 13, 2021

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Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog