RichC | August 29, 2020
On Friday afternoon I stopped in to talk with Rick Benhase, the guy looking at the Packard transmission for me. He is a truly old car nut and can’t seem to get rid of his “fleet” once he buys or fixes them. This applies to more than just cars, too (read below if you must […]
Category: Automotive, Hobby, MGB, Packard |
1 Comment
Tags: automotive, brakes, british, hobby, luddite, mgb, packard, printing, repairs, rick benhase, transmission, turner, woodworking
RichC | November 8, 2019
We often use the term “Luddite” whenever we refer to people resisting new technology or mechanization. Recently a Wall Street Journal article detailed a timeline of changes as much of the world is faced with yet another wave of robotic automation and artificial intelligence (AI) changing career and taking over many of the jobs we […]
Category: Archive, Education, Memories, Productivity, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: ai, automation, careers, cpp,, jobs, luddite, press, printing, publishing, richc, Technology, work