RichC | February 2, 2023
EXCERPT => “On November 23, 1942, the Royal Navy destroyer SS Benlomond was torpedoed by a German submarine. Poon Lim, a Chinese civilian seaman aboard the ship, found himself stranded in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Against all odds, Poon Lim survived 133 days at sea before being rescued by Brazilian fishermen.” This Carl […]
Category: Blogs, History, Software, TBT |
1 Comment
Tags: markdown, marsedit, poon lin, repost, testing
RichC | June 18, 2022
Not that I was bored or anything while running on generator power for 24 hours, but last week’s outage had my small load-sharing Raspberry Pi “server farm” (semi-joke) that I run at the house (see, in need of service. One thing lead to another and I ended up tinkering a bit more with this […]
Category: Computer, Raspberry Pi, Technology, Tidbits |
Tags: apache, brenich, cms, hugo, markdown, raspberry pi, saturday, server, tech friday, techfriday, testing, tinkering, wordpress, zigbee