RichC | March 4, 2023
With area code 513 phone numbers in shortened supply in our Southwest Ohio area, “the Public Service Commission of Ohio has approved an all-services area code overlay for the 513 area code, which serves southwest Ohio including the communities of Cincinnati, Cleves, Forest Park, Hamilton, Lebanon, Maineville, Mason, Miamitown, Middletown, Norwood, Oxford, Trenton and West […]
Category: Business, Local, News |
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Tags: area code, cincinnati, numbers, ohio, phone, telephone
RichC | July 23, 2013
Apple is testing a few new online iWork applications for those iCloud users accessing their cloud account. The addition of Apple’s document, spreadsheet and presentation software to iCloud will move the beloved computer company one step closer to Microsoft and Google went it comes to online “Office” productivity software. I’m reluctant to commit to one particular […]
Category: Apple, Cloud, Computer, Software |
Tags: apple, beta, cloud, icloud, keynote, numbers, office, pages