RichC | August 23, 2020
Even though we have a few of those ultrasonic devices plugged into the walls, mice seem to find their way into the detached and attached garage then figure out how to squeeze there way into the house. I’d like to think I’m able to trap them before they find the kitchen, but who knows … […]
Category: Advice, Gadget, Innovation, Misc, Nature, Tidbits, Tools |
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Tags: dremel, hawks, mice, modify, mouse, mousetrap, rat zapper, red shouldered, red tailed, repair
RichC | October 7, 2018
Each year about this time, rodents and varmints are looking at our garage and house as a place to call home when the weather cools. So I’m usually trying to stay ahead of them by sealing up and keeping the garage doors closed more often (challenging when the weather is so nice). The bigger varmints […]
Category: Advice, Innovation, Memories, Misc, Photos, Video |
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Tags: autumn, birthday, cattledog, dog, mice, mouse, mousetrap, pet, raccoon, rat zapper, rodent, sticky, tootsie, traps, varmints