RichC | June 4, 2023
You would have to know my penny-pinching personality to truly understand my frustration over gasoline prices, but these receipts had me pulling out my hair. A little pretext: My wife has ALWAYS only purchased Shell gasoline for her cars. No matter the price, she always goes to Shell and has been loyal for decades. Over […]
Category: Acura, Automotive, Financial, Misc, Shopping |
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Tags: acura, costco, gasoline, mid-grade, premium, rant, receipts, shell
RichC | October 27, 2015
Great memories of busy days logging the register cash deposits from the walk-in trade back in my Cuyahoga Falls office. It seems like a lifetime ago … and yes, I do kind of miss it. Keeping the business growing was challenging as the digital age matured, but those early days gave me a sense of […]
Category: Business, Personal, Photos, Weather |
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Tags: autumn, Business, cpp, printing, publishing, receipts, sunset