A problem with an Amazon order and toilet valve repair again

| June 19, 2024

Amazon’s Prime shipping is still impressive and definitely beats spending time driving to the hardware or big box store to pick up a single item. Last week I had a exact Fluidmaster valve fail at the top of the stalk and decided to just order another (hoping it was just that one valve???) I probably could […]

Embarrassed to even vent a couple near retirement gripes

| October 21, 2023

This whiny post is going to ring hollow for those going through serious problems … or even noticing that I was recentlydifficult time adjusting to shifting gears. Brenda and I now have more unstructured time, particularly since Brenda’s surgeries and rehab (although I do still try to do work each day). The earlier than expected […]

Frustrating and surprised at a couple gasoline receipts

| June 4, 2023

You would have to know my penny-pinching personality to truly understand my frustration over gasoline prices, but these receipts had me pulling out my hair. A little pretext: My wife has ALWAYS only purchased Shell gasoline for her cars. No matter the price, she always goes to Shell and has been loyal for decades. Over […]

Amazon book order delay and leftover snow mailbox photo

| December 6, 2022

No … we don’t have snow in Cincinnati just yet, but the snowbelt areas of western New York sure got their share in November. I’ll include a leftover Twitter photo from the Buffalo NY area that is sure to make someone smile (very creative snowman or mailbox)? On the Amazon rant subject, I ordered an  […]

Tech Friday rant: I’m not excited about MLB’s postseason

| October 14, 2022

Besides enjoying some minor league Toledo Mud Hens baseball this year with family, I have not been focused on MLB or the postseason playoffs. Being a Cleveland Indians Guardians fan, I am sort of pulling for them after they won the Wild Card series against Tampa Bay … but as always, beating the New York […]

Oostra lot clearing has begun, a KETO diet and Fitbit update

| July 13, 2022

Instead of starting a rant on our nightmare return trip from the Canadian Rockies flying Air Canada … I’m going to let the stress dissipate for a while. It was painful travel. So instead I’ll archive a couple exciting photos from Katelyn and Drew as their builder has started clearing the trees from their lot […]

Men’s interests have changed and a spoiled American rant

| March 9, 2022

Something I’ve notice over the years is that today’s men have lost interest in what traditionally were seen as male hobbies and interests. My thought is that recent generation of men have abandoned working on cars in their garages and spending weekends with tools in their workshop (probably non-existent nowadays). They don’t fish and hunt […]

Watching the Bengals in the NFL playoffs … and a shampoo rant

| January 30, 2022

Since we will be focused on watching football and especially the Cincinnati Bengals this weekend, I’m pre-posting something that frustrates me when going to the grocery or drugstore. I know the inexpensive “brand” of shampoo that I like, but Suave for Men makes so many different blends, bottle sizes and labels that I can never […]

Is a little consistency in Amazon delivery too much to ask?

| August 10, 2019

I’m becoming increasingly grouchy over paying for Amazon Prime (now $119/yr) and dealing with various shipping problems that have been popping up. This past year, I have have several shipping issues with Amazon reporting one thing and then delivering another. Usually a delay, in for the most part very impressive delivery speeds, isn’t a life-changer, […]

Tech Friday: VirginMobile and iPhone 7-plus microphone issues

| April 19, 2019

All who have been through computer and cellphone issues know what a headache little glitches can become. For me, ever since having my battery replaced on my iPhone 7-plus back in January, the front facing microphone has not worked. After a couple back and forth evening phone calls with Apple Support, we set up an […]

Once again disgusted with my cable and Internet provider

| January 12, 2018

Last spring I was so disgusted with the Time Warner to Spectrum change for cable and Internet along with their price increase that I switched to Cincinnati Bell Fioptics. The painful rewiring and equipment switch worked to my favor and lower the bill with the help of a representative that handled everything as if he […]

Target is not Amazon when it comes to delivering the goods

| December 16, 2015

When you begin to depend on prompt order fulfillment and reasonable delivery times from online retail stores, it feels like we’ve gone back a decade or two? On Cyber Monday, November 30th, I placed an order with Target thinking there was plenty of time before last minute Christmas ordering. I entered both my email address […]

Liberty Mutual Auto Insurance: Loyalty rewarded – NOT!

| November 29, 2014

I received a letter from Liberty Mutual, my auto insurance company, earlier this month “appreciating my loyalty”  … until I looked at the details – Eligible in 2019 — hmm, must be a mistake? So … I first called the number on the bottom of the letter and reached the corporate folks so that they […]

A Dow Jones WSJ subscription: Where am I going wrong?

| September 13, 2012

I’m finding a nutty pricing structure for for my morning newspaper and a questionable explanation (or lack of one) from Dow Jones in my attempt to renew my Wall Street Journal subscription. It sort of reminded my of a Twitter conversation last week on how  Amazon sells some paperback and hardback books cheaper than they […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog