RichC | December 26, 2024
Sleep has never been a problem for me until this past year or so. I don’t know if it is age or that my mind is filled with too much stuff — my running out of hard drive space theory (a worthless thought for another time). Anyway, I mentioned this to my primary care physician […]
Category: Advice, Entertainment, Health, Humor |
Tags: cleveland clinic, comedy, diet mountain dew, diphenhydramine, doctors, hogans heroes, mayo clinic, melatonin, Nestlé Quik, sleep, television
RichC | September 18, 2020
After a recent update from Fitbit, my Versa watch is now tracking my SpO2 level when I sleep. Unsure what to make of it, I asked my doctor-daughter Katelyn what it means: “looks good, no sleep apnea.” (Fitbit devices measure this while sleeping, since they are usually the lowest) After a little reading on SpO2 […]
Category: Health, Personal, Photos, Technology |
Tags: apnea, blood, fitbit, Health, level, mayo clinic, oxygen, sensor, sleep, smartwatch, spo2, tech, tech friday, techfriday, tracking, versa, watch