RichC | May 7, 2023
Memories: We had two of them — The original iMac in 1998 On May 6, 1998, Steve Jobs announced the iMac, and we wouldn’t now have the iPhone, the Apple Store, or even Apple itself, if it hadn’t been such a success. If there’s ever any doubt that the iMac is a phenomenal success, just try to […]
Category: Apple, Computer, History, Memories |
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Tags: apple, appleinsider, Computer, imac, steve jobs
RichC | April 21, 2023
Although my first computer was a Compaq Portable (I still have it and I think it still boots up) … my second computer was a Macintosh SE with a giant 20MB HD … the more successful and lower price version of the Lisa. Did you know that the Apple Lisa turned 40 this year? How […]
Category: Apple, Computer, History, Tidbits |
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Tags: gui, lisa, macintosh, steve jobs, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | April 3, 2020
Above is a graphic sent by a friend, who knows of my long time Apple addiction … and it had me pondering the Steve Jobs vs Steve Wozniak struggle when trying to grow Apple Computer back in the early days (watch the Danny Boyle movie called Steve Jobs). One of the founders was an advocated […]
Category: Apple, Archive, Computer, History, Memories, Personal, Technology |
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Tags: aldus, apple, compaq, Computer, computing, cpp, History, jeffp, macintosh, microsoft, pagemaker, radius, softcard, steve jobs, steve wozniak, tech friday, techfriday, word processor, wordstar, woz
RichC | November 16, 2019
Here’s a WIRED article that made me think … although it has a misleading title line, even if that is what caught my attention and started me reading it. When does user-friendliness, algorithms and anticipatory artificial intelligence that is designed to help us make decisions, end up becoming "I don’t need to think at all" […]
Category: Archive, Business, Human Interest, Innovation, Misc |
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Tags: ai, algorithms, article, artificial intelligence, b-17, decisions, design, macintosh, steve jobs, user friendly, wired, ww2
RichC | August 15, 2014
Have you been wondering when the notoriously secretive Apple, known for innovative and culture shaping products, will have the next “one more thing?” We all suspect that TV is ripe for Apple-izing and that trendy wearables are ready for the iWatch, but besides those known in-the-works items, what else is up their sleeves? Will the […]
Category: Apple, Financial, History, Technology, Video |
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Tags: aapl, apple, one more thing, steve jobs
RichC | December 31, 2011
In tying up loose ends in closing out the year, one story that made a big impact on technology followers was the death of Steve Jobs. He was an inspirational and creative marketing wizard with oddities all too common with those we associate with the “genius” label … and would have been my pick for […]
Category: Archive, Business, Computer, History, Technology |
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Tags: aapl, apple, Computer, person of the year, ron wayne, steve jobs, steve wozniak, time
RichC | October 6, 2011
I’ve been thinking about the passing of Steve Jobs (February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011) and realized that there wasn’t enough time to include all I wanted over a lunch hour. First, his innovative vision, business savvy and keen sense of “what customers wanted” have earned him a place in my list of […]
Category: Audio, Computer, Obituary, Technology |
Tags: apple, guy kawasaki, ipad, iphone, ipod, mac, steve jobs
RichC | August 25, 2011
"I believe Apple’s brightest and most innovative days are ahead of it, and I look forward to watching and contributing to its success in a new role.” — Steve Jobs (56), resigning CEO continuing Chairman of the Board Although for the most part, my Apple loving days are probably in the past, I’m saddened to […]
Category: Archive, Computer, Financial, History, News |
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Tags: apple, macintosh, steve jobs