RichC | May 23, 2011
I worked my way home west to east in southwestern Ohio either pursuing or being pursued by the severe thunderstorms passing through Monday night. I had to clear a tree and branches in our lane before I could safely get my car into the garage (photo below). The wind was blowing ‘straight-lined’ so hard that […]
Category: Photos, Video, Weather |
Tags: sw ohio, thunderstorms, weather
RichC | February 16, 2010
Now that the worst of the couple of days of winter snow are over, I noticed that Clinton County (a county to the east) has just now declared a LEVEL 3 Snow Emergency (the one that closes roadways to non-emergency personnel – see below). I had thought that road crews were getting on top of […]
Category: Local, Weather |
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Tags: clinton, county, record, snow, sw ohio
RichC | February 3, 2009
Here’s hoping that everyone who lives in my neck of the woods, from Dayton to Cincinnati Ohio, made it home safely? The roadways on Tuesday afternoon were about as slick as they can get without being sheets of ice. That was evident by the very slow going and significant number of vehicle either in the […]
Category: Cellphone, Photos, Weather |
Tags: cincinnati, driving, ice, snow, sw ohio, weather
RichC | September 1, 2008
I’m back dating a couple of blog entries so I can include a few photos and video from this past weekend — TDIFest OH8. Here’s a great video by TDIClub member “TeDeEye1” of the “timed drive” Road Rally: TDIFest OH8 Road Rally from Fred on Vimeo.
Category: Diesel, Video, Volkswagen |
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Tags: cincinnati, rally, road, sw ohio, tdifest, video