All states with weather and big cities have stressful commutes

| June 11, 2024

The map below might not be up-to-date map (2021), but it looks like most states have there share of stressful traffic. Personally speaking … after driving to and from SW Ohio  to NW Ohio for the better part of 20 years, I can attest that winter driving (snow and ice) and constant road construction on […]

Wishing ALL a Happy and Healthy New Year in 2023

| January 1, 2023

I would like to wish everyone visiting a Happy and Healthy New Year … and after seeing this “black ice” social media shared video from last months deadly winter storm … safe traveling in 2023. Whew … very frightening.

My road warrior days and remembering 1960s bowling alleys

| May 19, 2022

Posting a couple of memory photos as a Throwback Thursday #TBT filler post after a conversation with friends last week. One had to do with text messaging, “distracted driving” and remembering my road warrior days of driving back and forth from Cincinnati and NE Ohio while trying to remain connected and productive. Thankfully all ended […]

Marking time on my 2010 BMW X5 35d hitting 190,000 miles

| February 5, 2022

No longer am I driving 2000 miles a month back and forth to NE Ohio for work or traveling to and from western New York to check on Brenda’s parents, but I do still enjoy driving and owning a diesel vehicle. The Volkswagen Jetta TDI fuel economy isn’t a big deal anymore either, but I […]

Tesla Full Self-Driving Beta with the press of a button

| September 28, 2021

Look out on the roads … and no I’m not talking about driving dogs. HA! FSD Beta is an unfinished version of Tesla’s premium driver-assistance software, FSD, which the company sells in the U.S. for $10,000 upfront, or $199 a month. Tesla has rolled out a software update for their controversial Full Self-Driving Beta (FSD […]

Högertrafikomläggningen in Sweden

| September 26, 2021

What does it take for a country to switch from left-hand to right-hand driving? Sweden did just that in 1967 … with a lot of preparation. It was called Dagen H or “Högertrafikomläggningen.”

Tech Friday: Driving, tracking, privacy, gasoline/diesel taxes, or a VMT tax to support our roads and bridges infrastructure

| June 25, 2021

Currently, we attempt to pay for infrastructure by taxing drivers at the pump when they fill their cars and trucks with gasoline and diesel fuel … but vehicles are becoming more efficient while the cost of infrastructure and maintenance continues to goes up. In other words, there isn’t enough money being collected. The politicians answer […]

BMW X5 35d diesel fill-up for $1.39/gal with Kroger fuel points

| September 12, 2020

With a few miles of driving this week (nothing like my years of back and forth to NE Ohio) … I kept an eye out for anomalies in diesel fuel price. prices. It just so happened that Sidney and Wapakoneta prices were a bit lower than either Toledo or home in Cincinnati, so I planned […]

Winter weather, driving and fun babysitting Annalyn

| February 8, 2020

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A update on my 2010 BMW X5 35d #diesel

| December 27, 2019

Since I’m often asked what kind of fuel economy I’m getting on my slightly “tweaked” 2010 BMW X5 35d diesel SUV, here’s the yearly update from my log on Nothing to write home about, but then there have been far more local trips than the interstate driving a few years ago … besides, my […]

Windshield chips become ugly cracks when it is cold

| December 14, 2019

Don’t you just hate this! Earlier this week I was driving home through construction and traffic as I headed south from Columbus to Cincinnati on I-71 (road construction is not done yet!) and I heard a rock hit the windshield. It sounded pretty nasty, but after looking around carefully from the inside, all was fine […]

Enjoying a nice drive, good weather and undeserved friendship

| September 22, 2019

Made my favorite “good weather” drive this past week on I-40 through Tennessee and North Carolina (photo above) and visited my undeserved friends Mark and Dar Jones who recently moved to a new townhouse outside of Savannah, Georgia. What a comfortable place for both of them … offering “walk-ability” for Dar with her limited eyesight […]

Snoozing while a Tesla autopilot is in self-driving mode?

| September 10, 2019

If you are an innovative automotive manufacturer (ie. Tesla) or just a citizen who doesn’t want more government intrusion or regulation, then behavior like this needs to be stopped or prevented in the first place. I appreciate having my freedom and don’t want a bigger nanny state, but I know when seeing this kind of […]

Beautiful early morning summer driving in Ohio

| July 11, 2019

For decades I drove the Cincinnati to Cleveland/Akron/Warren Ohio drive at 4AM each week, but in recent years business has changed and the drive is no longer a regular thing. Part of me misses that early morning trip, but the other part that remembers snowstorms, construction and traffic delays does not. This past week I […]

Distracted driving and a step closer to finishing the condo update

| August 11, 2018

Likely I’m not the best driver when it comes to not glancing at my phone in the car, but I am improving and in recent years am trying not to "read" or "text anything." Unfortunately we still have drivers who are "comfortable" (leg up???) with multi-tasking while driving. Ugh. I spent a few more days […]

Always great to see this view after a long drive back home

| August 10, 2018

It doesn’t matter if driving or flying (CVG), it is great to see the the Cincinnati city view when driving north on I-75/71 down the "cut-in-the-hill" and know that I’m almost home. What a great welcome … it almost has me singing this song – LINK.

Toasty warm afternoon in Cincinnati for February

| February 20, 2018

Remind me what season we are in again? Winter in #Cincinnati right?

Would you tow an 18-wheeler with a Tesla?

| January 9, 2018

Changing a daylight driving H8 bulb in the BMW X5 35D

| July 8, 2017

You’ll need a small hand with a good grip to change the daytime running light bulbs in the sardine like corners of a BMW X5 35D, and assume other models. That doesn’t mean you can wiggle around and tweak a tool or two to fix and assist, but smaller hands would make the process a […]

How much room do you leave between vehicles?

| September 25, 2016

A photo is worth a 1000 words — and this photo is a chilling reminder for those of us who travel regularly on the interstates. I purposely allow for more buffer than many when following a line of traffic (a car length for every 10 mph) AND in particular give semi-trucks even more breathing room. […]

Our 2010 BMW X5 35d clicked odometer to 150,000 miles

| August 27, 2016

On my drive home this week, our 2010 BMW X5 35d modified diesel rolled the odometer passed 150K (I know, they don’t roll like my old Mercedes anymore). Economy is not quite up to the 30 mpg highway that I have been hoping for, but I’m not complaining about 28 mpg "with an impressive power" […]

First nasty winter drive of 2016 was not too bad

| January 14, 2016

This weeks trip back and forth from SW Ohio to NE Ohio was the first with slippery road and winter snow in 2016. There are sure to be a few more winter days this year, but glad to already be into mid-January. This drive was also the first winter driving for the BMW X5 35d. […]

Fans of Manual Transmission Can’t Let Go

| November 9, 2015

I’m in “sync” with Alan Macey and the minority when he says, “we find joy in those fleeting moments between ratios; the crescendo of rpm, the gentle click of the gate, the building inertia in our chest as the drivetrain becomes whole again.” Let’s save the manual transmission! No matter how tightly the clutch, stick-shift […]

Always looking for the next cool thing in automotive aviation

| January 14, 2015

Imagine the Elio if it also came with wings? It might look something like the Aeromobil 3.0 prototype. I have to admit that I’m one of those dreamers who envisioned a flying car in my lifetime. Perhaps it is just a pipe dream, but I do envy those fortunate enough to be working on projects […]

Shocker: Ridiculously HIGH turnpike tolls in Pennsylvania

| November 24, 2014

We’ve driven the PA turnpike several times in the past, although the last trip traveling the full length was probably close to a decade ago, but the 2014 tolls structure gives a new meaning to the term “highway robbery.” This past weekend, my wife drove to Philadelphia from Cincinnati for a bridal shower and thought […]

Dashcams in Russia make almost all U.S. drivers seem sane

| September 29, 2014

You might want to think twice before criticizing drivers in your neck of the woods … and be glad you are not driving in Russia (YouTube video below).

Video: The Zipper Merge vs the polite Midwestern Early Merge

| September 13, 2014

What do Minnesotans (and a few others) know that Ohio drivers haven’t figured out yet? They realized that the “Zipper Merge” is better than the polite “Early Merge.”   According to traffic experts, the “Zipper Merge” reduces construction congestion, improves highway speeds in work zones and helps to reduce accidents (Sue Groth, MnDOT traffic safety […]

Gas prices rise as Memorial Day kicks off summer driving season

| May 23, 2014

I’m probably not the only one noticing the annual Memorial Day jump in retail gasoline prices kicking off the summer driving season. Yesterday most of the  stations locally (north of Cincinnati) bumped prices up to $3.85–plus per gallon for regular grade fuel. Thankfully on the drive home, I fueled up the old Mercedes 300D for […]

You may be saving money if you own a car – says AAA

| May 10, 2014

According to AAA, the cost to own a car has actually gone down … although with gas prices up, it may not feel like it. The average cost per mile is now 59.2 cents a mile, down 1.64 cents or down 4.7%. That puts the yearly cost at $8,876 a year in the annual Your […]

How long should we have to wait to renew a driver’s license?

| April 10, 2014

AN HOUR! Who likes sitting 60 minutes at the DMV just to renew a driver’s license … there must be a better way? Waiting aside, I must be recognizing I’m no longer young, because when the clerk asked me, “how many years have you lived in Ohio?” … I decided to answer with “my whole […]

Finding yourself distracted while driving?

| August 18, 2012

It seems like I’m driving a bit more than usual this summer and am working to pay more attention to the road than to my gadgets inside a the car. This is not to say I’ve been a terrible driver, but I certainly have been prone to using technology way more than is safe. Driving […]

Ohio’s new law regarding text messaging and driving

| June 7, 2012

I’m sure I’m not the only one noticing the growing number of drivers texting and driving distracted (and ‘yes’ I have unfortunately done my share). Of course it is not just messaging, but also looking at dashboard information displays and GPS devices … and even watching movies on video screens … but soon doing it […]

A long drive with rain off and on – I26 & I40 were beautiful

| May 15, 2012

  Headed home after a quick few days with Taylor and his friends on the boat. Project were minimal but we had a great time and had some interesting stories – the one about “Rick” would have any parent giving a lecture (ah … memories). Surprisingly I found the time comfortable on the boat even […]

NTSB recommends banning cellphone use while driving

| December 14, 2011

A real hot button topic is being discussed after the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recommended banning portable electronic devices such as cellphones from being used by drivers of automobiles. Distracted driving is fast becoming the seatbelt or drunk driving issue of the day. As someone who spends a significant amount of time on the […]

More on cellphones, text messaging and driving distracted

| April 4, 2011

When I posted the current “Cell Phone Laws by State” map the other day, it was in part due to a project my niece was working on at Ohio Northern University. My brother mentioned she was asked to present their finding to Ohio lawmakers on House Bill 99 (summary) in Columbus last month – kudos to […]

Just another ‘snowy’ Thursday

| February 19, 2009

Posting a Palm Treo 700p photo from the road … heading south from Cleveland on I-71 Thursday afternoon. Enough is enough with winter and snow; I’m ready for spring. Here’s a morning photos after the “lake effect” snows blanketed NE Ohio.

Another slick day of driving in southwestern Ohio

| February 3, 2009

Here’s hoping that everyone who lives in my neck of the woods, from Dayton to Cincinnati Ohio,  made it home safely?  The roadways on Tuesday afternoon were about as slick as they can get without being sheets of ice. That was evident by the very slow going and significant number of vehicle either in the […]

Most of Ohio hit with winter snow and ice

| January 28, 2009

A winter storm has moved through the Ohio Valley Tuesday January 27th and left several inches of snow followed by ice and sleeting rain. By evening there was a substantial glaze on top of the snow making for a bright and reflective photo (click for larger). While out driving during the afternoon the roadways were […]

White knuckle drive to NE Ohio today and Baja Fresh

| January 14, 2009

My company’s original office in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio – Photo Jan. 14, 2009 I’m well season in driving to from one corner of Ohio to the other, but today was one of the more uptight trips I’ve  made. In fact, I even checked into the Radisson at 4PM since I no longer wanted to stomp […]

Minor milestone for my Volkswagen TDI

| June 26, 2007

No big deal … but this weekend’s graduation trip took me to western New York in my little diesel Volkswagen and my TDI turned the odometer over to the sixth digit … 100,000 miles. As far as modern cars go, the 2003 Volkswagen Jetta TDI has treated me very well. It has operated pretty much […]

Fuel Efficient Driving

| April 2, 2006

An interesting segment on the PBS program Motorweek compared the driving style of two very different drivers. One driver was Henry Kopacz, one of the program’s staff test drivers who has a heavier foot and simulated an aggressive driving technique. The other was the director of the US Department of Energy’s Clean Cities program, Dennis […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog