RichC | December 16, 2022
What “should” a person do when an older piece of tech stops working? Give up? Buy new? Well we have an older first generation Amazon Echo Dot continued to be unreliable in maintaining a WiFi connection to our mesh home network. After several restarts over the last couple of months, full reboots and re-setups, I’ve […]
Category: Alexa, Gadget, Technology, Video |
Tags: Alexa, amazon, ani gif, anigif, apple, echo dot, google, mp4, teardown, voice assistant
RichC | February 4, 2022
Let me start off with the positives. I really like my original Fitbit Versa watch. I wear it everyday and it offers me nearly everything I want in a fitness tracking smart watch. That said, I have always been hard on watches … to the point I stopped wearing watches for years – for decades […]
Category: Gadget, Misc, Personal, Shopping, Technology, Video |
Tags: battery, customer service, fitbit, smartwatch, teardown, tech friday, techfriday, warranty, watch, youtube