Mouthy French swimmers ‘eat crow’
Posted By RichC on August 11, 2008
We have once again spent our evening watching NBC’s coverage of the Olympics from Beijing China. For a second night we’ve watch the impressive Michael Phelps swim, although this time as a team of four U.S. men battled the favored French 4x 100M relay swimmers. The American team had a little extra inspiration preceding Sunday night’s race, as French world record holder Alain Bernard commented that the French relay squad would “smash” the Americans. Eat crow moi ami.
The Americans “smashed” the 4x100M relay record as anchor swimmer Jason Lezak outtouch the 100M world record holder Alain Bernard of France. The last 100M leg saw Lezak nearly a full body distance behind Bernard only to dig hard to win the race for “our” guys. The U.S. team took Gold with a 3:08.24 time ahead of the French. Way to go U.S. Olympic Swim team!

Gold Medal ceremony for Men’s 4x100M Relay team