Sunday drive to see EAA friend’s new Cessna 172

Posted By on November 23, 2008

Speedway Monroe Ohio 11/23/2008Fuel prices everywhere are dropping to surprising lows as we near the Thanksgiving day holiday. While returning from the Moraine Airpark near Dayton, Ohio this afternoon I was able to fill up with unleaded regular for $1.56/gallon. Moraine Ohio AirparkThat’s the lowest price I’ve seen for quite some time. Diesel is also working its way lower, although is still over a dollar higher at most stations. Although I have concerns as to what this signals about our economy (as if we don’t know), it may at least brighten the travel plans for those needing to go “over the river and through the woods this holiday season.”

Bob Luken's Cessna 172

My trip to the airport Sunday afternoon was to see a recent airplane purchase from an EAA friend. His “new to him” 1970 Cessna 172 looks to be in fair shape. The last electronics/radio update was in 1986, so early on the list of improvements is a new 760 channel transceiver, a couple wedges to stop the nose wheel shimmy and a seat repair (loose slides?). A bit lower on the list would be paint, although that would truly improve the first glance appearance. Long term, because it has been sitting (hangered) for a few years, he’ll have to start a piggy bank for an engine overhaul, but all in all its an excited day for pilots to own their own plane.

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Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
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