RichC | December 4, 2008
It’s hard to imagine General Motors going the diesel route again after their last go-around 30 years ago, but considering a number of vehicles desired by American purchasers are the larger SUV and light trucks, a clean, highly efficient diesel would make sense. Besides the fuel efficiency of a diesel engine mated to the GM […]
Category: Automotive, Biodiesel, Diesel |
Tags: biodiesel, diesel, GM, north america
RichC | December 4, 2008
I’ve posted a few times on the social networking/micro-blogging tool called Twitter. This inspired a reader to send me his favorite Firefox add-on and an excellent Twitter related website that is worth sharing. First is the Pingfire ( Firefox add-on which isn’t working on my VistaOS notebook (surprise, surprise) and the other, a search tool […]
Category: Misc, Social Media |
Tags: pingfire, twitter, twitterlocal