RichC | July 6, 2011
Calling this airplane an ‘ultralight‘ might be an understatement. At 200 pounds Hugues Duval’s airplane, with twin props and two electric motors, is small – but it is also record breaking fast (for 100% electric). At the Paris Airshow, Duval’s airplane has broken the record for an all electric aircraft by 15 miles per hour […]
Category: Aviation |
Tags: airplane, electric, france
RichC | July 6, 2011
Looks like the Picasa and Blogger names are being retired by Google in the next “six weeks” according to Mashable. “The move is part of a larger effort to unify its brand for the public launch of Google+, the search giant’s social initiative.” Blogger and Picasa aren’t going away, of course — they’re two of […]
Category: Misc, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: blogger, google, picasa