Carry-in Easter dinner and conversation with mom and dad
Posted By RichC on April 9, 2012
We spent Easter Sunday with Mom and Dad this year. Brenda packed up a nice and simple dinner along with a table cloth and candles (a nice touch) to lighten the chores for dad. We still unfortunately spent too much time discussing health issues, but it is what it is this year. Mom’s week was another one of pain, although her Good Friday doctor’s appointment did get her a change of pain medicine – so far it has been helpful. If all goes well maybe she’ll have a few more good days without turning to a “zombie” as my dad refers to it. It is a challenging balancing act to get the pain medication correct. She is either in excruciating pain, acts a bit goofy, angry, wanting to sleep … or some days is somewhat comfortable and lucid. We experienced the later Sunday as Easter was good.
This coming week is also one of optimism in that we’ll be seeing a doctor about back reconstruction. We are hoping that she is a candidate for Kyphoplatsy (video link). We’ll see how it goes since traditional rods, plates and screw back surgery is out of the question – not necessarily attractive to think about anyway.
Some friends of ours posted this question by their grandson … thought it was interesting. I might have to look up the details myself. (Thanks Judy)
At the dinner table tonight, Sam asked the simple question, “Why is this day called Easter?”
None of us had ever questioned the name, so we had to look this one up on the internet. What we found is that no one knows for sure, but there was a late seventh-century historian and scholar named Bede who said that Easter’s name comes from the Anglo-Saxon goddess Eostre. The literal translation of Eostre is East and she was the goddess of dawn (sun rises in the East). This goddess was the symbol of spring and fertility, thus the importance of eggs and bunnies and chicks. Somewhere along the line, the first Sunday after the full moon following the vernal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere was set as Easter Sunday.
Photo above: Katelyn’s rabbit — “Pumpy Umpy” — still alive and thumping.