Obama and Romney should have been wearing boxing gloves
Posted By RichC on October 17, 2012
In one corner, wearing a dark suit is the undefeated President of the United States Barack Obama! [cheers and jeers] In the other corner also in a dark suit is the challenger, Salt Lake City Olympics rescuer, Governor Mitt Romney! [more cheers and jeers] Neither man wore gloves, but should have, as they at times looked to be dancing around a boxing ring. Thankfully no punches were thrown, but certainly both politicians bobbed and weaved … and took verbal jabs at every opportunity.
For the President performance, it was like night and day compared to the first debate … the one where only his shadow showed up. Unfortunately he probably out and out lied deceived (he is the President) on the subject of the Benghazi, Libya when he claim to have designated it an act of terror on day one in the Rose Garden – that would be right before he jetted off to Las Vegas and a campaign tour (can you tell this left a bad taste with me?) If that were true, I’m not sure why the administration would have instructed the Ambassador to the UN to go out 5 days later on every Sunday television news show and indicate it was all due to a YouTube video. I don’t recall Ambassador Rice even suggesting it was a coordinated terror attack – actually, I think she denied it. Mr. Romney on the other hand failed to land a decisive blow when he had Obama on the ropes, but the referee (moderator Candy Crowley) stepped in and rescued Mr. Obama before too much damage was done.
Romney for his shortcomings demonstrated his ability to “adapt” (a nice word for flip-flop or political change of mind) on issues from healthcare to assault weapon bans. I’m not sure what stuck considering he had a solid performance and was focused like a laser on the economy, taxes and jobs – did he say jobs? JOBS, JOBS, JOBS. Obviously it was Obama’s Achilles heel. Frankly I’m not sure that questions from the audience or moderator were necessary as both men had no problem keeping the debate going. I really can only remember a few of the nine questions: 1) helping college students with employment after graduations, 2) illegal immigrants or more appropriately “immigration policies” and 3) a fellow who voted in 2008 for Barack Obama and wanted “a reason” to give him four more years.
There may have been one “big bird” type awkward moment by Governor Romney – primarily picked up by liberals – as he referred to interviewing women for his cabinet when he was governor of Massachusetts: Romney said he had “binders full of women” to review for their qualifications. Twitter went crazy … and suspect left leaning news organizations and stand up comedians will expand on this later. I’m not sure how moderate women took this “hiring of women” point, as it was obvious liberal women saw it as red meat.
As for social media, I followed the debate on TV and Twitter which again was amazing. The flow of tweets was insightful and entertaining; definitely an entirely new animal when in comes to following political debates. For my part, I added to the fray (archived below).
My Tweets during the #debate
RT @CharlieKayeCBS: In the @CBSNews Instant Poll, 65% say Romney won on the issue of the economy. 34% say Obama won on the economy.
Retweeted by Rich Corbett
1h Becky Quick
Time count for these two is crazy. If we rely on these ridiculously stupid debate rules, why not get an even time ratio?
Retweeted by Rich Corbett
Lots of China bashing tonight… #debate2012
Retweeted by Rich Corbett
FLASHBACK ’08 – Obama said he would “end the tax breaks for companies that are shipping jobs overseas” http://bit.ly/WiQrMn – what happened?
Retweeted by Rich Corbett
Changing the tax code Mr. Obama? What did you do when you had the majority in congress or over the past 4 years? #debate
Obama is whispering: "I want this guy on my cabinet." #debate
I’ll reluctantly give Obama a bonus point for pointing out Romney’s assault weapon flip flop. Still not getting the NRA endorsement. #debate
1h Jim Hammer (KO9T)
Speaking time – Obama 37 minutes Romney 31 #debate
Retweeted by Rich Corbett
Obama supports an "assault weapons" ban. Get the facts: http://www.GunBanObama.com ! #DefendFreedom #DefeatObama #NRAvote
Retweeted by Rich Corbett
1h Andrea Tantaros
Romney could have been much stronger on Libya.
@AndreaTantaros I thought the same thing. Romney seemed to struggle with Libya. #debate
Yes Mr. President … you did embrace that comment 4 years ago … "clinging to their guns and God." Hmm, supporting 2nd amend? #debate
Gov Romney on Libya attack: "It was a terror attack and it took a long time for that to be told to the American people." #debates
Retweeted by Rich Corbett
I think Mitt Romney could have been better in addressing and charging the attack in Libya as lax leadership. #debate
One thing for sure, we got a different Obama tonight. Both are aggressive. #debate
@Chris_Moody Are you taking jobs from Staple manufacturers to give to Paperclip manufacturers? Let the free market decide.
But at least the Obama administration kept that "transparent govt" promise. [sarcasm] #debate
… but Obama is muddling the question. "The promising I’ve made I’ve kept." Hmm? #debate
Solid question to Obama: "what did the President do to deserve 4 more years" #debate
Both candidates look well prepared tonight, but Romney is hitting his stride with the "creating jobs" and "middle class" focus. #debate
Business Man vs. Community Organizer. No Comparison!!!
Retweeted by Rich Corbett
And Mr. 5 Trillion in additional debt is concerned about Romney?
No need to have questions … these two can converse without them. #debate
Love the purpose behind the tax plan from Romney to create jobs. I hope people understand that point of view? #debate
Romney will take heat for this tax policy, but it is exactly what people in the middle class needed to hear. #debate
So in keeping with Obama’s gas price theory, the economy is booming now since gas prices are so high?? #debate
Face off! This is getting to be a cage match. Federal land: more permits or less? Who is telling the truth? #debate
@realistic_view As is his appointed energy sector … but no need to shorten his comment: "I am totally OK with high gas prices." #debate
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Obama is definitely coming out more aggressive. As is the moderation. #debate
Creating jobs in the U.S. … great plan Mr. President, but if the last 4 yrs is an example, you’ll need to change something. #debate
3h kirsten powers
Loving @megynkelly ‘golf voice’ as @bretbaier called it
Retweeted by Rich Corbett
@mattklewis It has been a while since I’ve heard Chris Matthews act as anything but an Obama mouthpiece. Refreshing to know he sees spin.
5h West Wing Reports
Gallup: Romney’s national lead has widened to 4 points. Romney 50, Obama 46.
Retweeted by Rich Corbett