RichC | May 28, 2013
I still don’t have my Postie WordPress plug-in working from my iPhone, hmm? So I’ll re-post the photo of the delicious Memorial Day pie that my wife made, since we still have one pie left for tonight. Mmm, it is THAT good … and a long with the corn on the cob signifies that summer […]
Category: Holiday, Personal, Photos |
Tags: food, key lime, Memorial Day, pie
RichC | May 28, 2013
Hard to believe that the already high price of air travel (20% is already in taxes) could go up another $14 per flight. May 27, 2013 — Another airfare increase may be on the way. But this time It has nothing to do with the airlines. The Obama administration has proposed raising the taxes on […]
Category: Aviation, Politics, Travel |
Tags: air travel, airlines