RichC | October 9, 2014
Volatile financial markets seesaw so far this week. From 2% down on Tuesday, to 2% up on Wednesday and now back down 2% on Thursday … Friday should be an interesting day and right in keeping with October trading. Here are a few thoughts from Jeff Macke (Yahoo Finance) concluding that the “stock market has […]
Category: Business, Financial |
Tags: djia, financial markets, investing, nasdaq, stocks, trading
RichC | October 9, 2014
Reality … as of yesterday … is that the long studied Ebola (EBOV or the related strain Marburg virus) is now a killer in the U.S. Hopefully those having contact with the first U.S. death, Liberian Thomas Duncan, are quarantined and that the infectious virus is being contained to the Dallas area. After a couple […]
Category: Health, News |
Tags: disease, ebola, endemic, infectious, pandemic, virus, who