RichC | October 10, 2014
Sort of a timely website find if you are an amateur meteorologist or just enjoy watching and learning about weather. Check out or their MeteroEarth smartphone app for $2.99. (explainer video) There are some pretty powerful features and the real time software offers stunning visual views of weather happenings — like the current Typhoon […]
Category: Cellphone, Computer, Software, Space, Technology, Weather |
Tags: app, hurricane, meteoearth, techfriday, typhoon, vongfong, weather, website
RichC | October 10, 2014
Investors have a love-hate relationship with the month of October. It is a volatile month and has had its share of stock market ups and stock market downs. Those of us who were around and investing in 1987, we mostly remember the “down.” In those days before Internet investing, hearing and seeing share prices drop […]
Category: Business, Financial |
Tags: Business, cbnc, cpp,, investing, memories, stock market