Recalculations, cabinet modification and flaws

Posted By on March 28, 2017

The kitchen remodeling hit a snag today as the custom cabinet that was suppose to fit the new Bosch double-oven was way off. KitchenProjectOven170327I’m not sure why it was off because the specifications sheet for the oven was sent to the manufacture, but it wasn’t even close. The "fix" is that the installer will butcher (my term) the new cabinet instead of having the shop factory build an entirely new  "box" built. Supposedly this is "normal" ???


Unfortunately the size miscalculation has also impacted the electrical switch for the disposal and existing drain under the sink (probably fixable). Hopefully with some trimming of fillers, we might be able to make it all work?

My final "nit" is that a couple of the doors and draws have some imperfections. Again, they say this is normal, but I would have preferred a little bit of quality control before shipping dovetails that look like this (left). A black-eye for the company … although before naming the company, I’ll see how they handle my complaint (archiving initial alignment  below, which I’m sure will be adjusted).


EDIT: Adding a couple more photos to be addressed (broken door slide and another poorly fitted dovetail drawer).

DrawerSlideBroken170327 DrawerFittingDovetails170327


Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
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