Tech Friday: Testing Apple Live Photo to downsized looping GIF
Posted By RichC on December 15, 2017
We’ve had a colder than usual early December here in Cincinnati … and has much of the country. The freezing temperatures will likely show up in higher heating bills but I’m hoping the new LED Christmas lighting will offset that cost? We’ll see.
I’ve been wanting to test the Live Photo editing feature on the iPhone called “looping” that can be used with additional apps or gif creator sites to create an animated GIF files. Gifs have been popular to add a little something to photo sharing – in my case moving water in a half frozen landscape pond. The downside in ani-gifs is the lower quality compression and that they are an inefficient way to save data (verses most mp4 encoded video or jpg still photos). The photo to the left was scrunched smaller – lower quality, yet the file size still ended up being 880KB. (the small non-animated JPG version is only about 16KB)