Yardwork, jury duty and enjoying the July 2018 night sky
Posted By RichC on July 26, 2018
We been enjoying summer and mostly great weather around the house and yard so far this year in 2018 and Brenda‘s growing landscape mounds are all flowering and looking really nice (she has been working on them although her current Grand Jury duty is cutting into her free time). The last few days of slightly cooler weather has given way to sunshine and hotter weather now and so was finally able to get the backyard cut again. It is unusual to still have the lawn so green this late in July.
I’ve been outside each evening that the sky has been clear viewing planets and the larger than usual Mars. Last night, I was hoping to get a glimpse of the International Space Station (ISS) as it might have been possible to see it for about 10 minutes as it arced across the west-northwestern sky (red arc below), but unfortunately the high level clouds or perhaps lack of sun reflecting off of it kept me from seeing it. BUT … Venus and Jupiter were brilliant.
Photo left was edited to highlight, where photo on right is straight from my iPhone