What do you do when you don’t feel like cleaning? Tinker instead.
Posted By RichC on December 28, 2019
Instead of cleaning the workshop as I was planning, I ended up sidetracked. Nothing new about that.
Since each time I pull the plywood box full of “short cuts and scraps” out from next to the miter saw, it is as if I’m dragging a 100 pound box with sandpaper on the bottom across the tile floor. So when I started to clear off the top of the workbench, I notice unused conveyor rollers (planned for the table saw extension) … and thought, “Hm, I can put this on the bottom of the box so it rolls easier?” Four 1” pocket holes in some scrap plywood later … and I still have a workshop yet to clean!
Also … it has been super warm and our snow has melted away … except for the north side of buildings and the front of our house (shade). Not quite the photo from a couple weeks ago, but the house still looks nice and finally has all the wreaths in the windows!