RichC | January 20, 2021
While talking with a customer on the phone today and talking about when I’ll be traveling to NE Ohio again, they asked me when they could get the Covid-19 vaccine? See Covid-19 Vaccination Program – LINK. So I figured it would be appropriate to include a screenshot from an Ohio-based health care provider in our […]
Category: Business, Health, Personal, Photos, Travel |
Tags: brenda, cdc, coronavirus, covid19, drew, family, katelyn, megan, ohio, taylor, vaccine
RichC | January 20, 2021
It is common when woodworking on a bench to use some kind of vise or clamp to hold down a work piece. For longer boards I’ve always used either a couple of clamps on each end or my home-built vise and square hardwood bench dogs. (below) BUT … I’ve envied woodworkers who have 3/4” holes […]
Category: Archive, Ideas, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: bench dogs, clamps, hold down, tools, vise, woodworking, workbench, workshop