A softening in attitude towards socialism for America
Posted By RichC on March 16, 2021
Support for socialism has been on the rise in America as I have previously noted and according to trend we have seen and the acceptable rhetoric/terms politicians have been willing to adopt this past decade. Liberals, who now prefer the “progressive” label, have decidedly shifted from resisting the status quo, traditional “right and wrong” norms, free markets, free trade, individual rights and freedom associated with the previous generations in America, to now becoming “woke” authoritarians demanding and now dictating their views on others.
These mostly younger Democrats are more receptive to government controlling what we do, say, think and who decides what is acceptable moment to moment. One by one, Constitutionally protected rights are being challenged … and this “we know better” socialist agenda is threatening our democracy from inside. For the most part, leftists control the education system (the radical 1960’s movement Bill Ayers plan) and now seem to have majority control in the Federal government. This has enable even more nanny state policies and is growing a larger dependent class (the “here’s another check” and vote for us to keep UBI checks coming.).
According to Hillsdale College letter, a 2019 survey found that almost half of young people in American would “prefer living in a socialist country.” In another recent survey 56% of voters between the ages of 18 and 24, and 48% of voters between 25 and 34, favored a “mostly socialist” economic model for the United States.
While debating left-leaning friends, they point out that America has voted and accepted that government is responsible for taking care of citizens … both in 2020 and in the past for decades. We provide Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, EBT cards, set minimum wages and have established variety of welfare programs to assist both individuals and corporations (some as bailouts and others as incentives for desired behaviors). While I can’t argue with what to my eyes is bigger government and central planning dictating and controlling industries and businesses … they up to this point are still mostly privately owned and competing in semi-free markets … at least compared to a communist or socialist nation. It is also true, citizens and charities are no longer the backstop when it comes to caring for the hungry, handicapped and less fortunate … which is debatable issue from the Libertarian side. Small government conservatives and moderate Republicans have pretty much accepted our government has taken over that role … but aren’t willing to relinquish any further free-market intrusion. We have accepted that our predecessors chose to federalize (socialize) a variety of services, but that comes at a cost and loss of efficiency. You’d be hard pressed to find much that our government does more efficiently that competitive private businesses.
… capitalism is the best thing that has ever happened to the material condition of the human race. From the dawn of history until the 18th century, every society in the world was impoverished, with only the thinnest film of wealth on top. Then came capitalism and the
Industrial Revolution. Everywhere that capitalism subsequently took hold, national wealth began to increase and poverty began to fall. Everywhere that capitalism didn’t take hold, people remained impoverished. Everywhere that capitalism has been rejected since then, poverty has increased. LINK
The concern for me is that we are now politically closer than we have ever been to adding more to the list of government run programs, businesses and industry. Obviously health care is at the top of the list for Democrats who are receptive to the idea of more control and more power. It is the easy target since cost of insurance and care has sky rocketed … mostly due to government regulation. That debate aside, as the socialist movement grows, we’re likely to see their ambitions expand … ignoring that the history of socialism and communism has never proven beneficial or prosperous for everyday people or the overall society.
Our freedom and democracy cost our forefathers dearly … let’s not give it up because we’re too indolent to keep it.