RichC | August 29, 2021
A delayed post updating the Category 4 Hurricane Ida that hit the coast of Louisiana just west of New Orleans packing winds nearing Cat 5 strength. The storm surge over 10 feet will test improvements made after Hurricane Katrina hit nearly the same area in 2005 .. in the first year of my daily blog […]
Category: Weather |
1 Comment
Tags: flooding, hurricane, ida, katrina, louisiana, rain, storm, wind
RichC | August 29, 2021
Local politics, issues and selecting/electing those who make decisions that impact where we live should be a much higher priority than most of us give them. Unfortunately I’m guilty of lacking attention to what is going on locally and was pretty much oblivious when my kids were growing up; we should all be more focused […]
Category: Archive, Local, Misc, Politics |
1 Comment
Tags: cincinnati, community, dayton, interchange, interstate, liberty township, local, ohio, openhouse, study, virtual