Books: “Decades of Decadence” by Marco Rubio (2023)

Posted By on June 14, 2023

Decades of Decadence by Marco RubioI needed another book to read like a hole in my head as the idiom goes, but since the newly released book by Marco Rubio called “Decades of Decadence” hit the bookstore today, I figured that I would “get on the list” at my local library. Lo and behold it was available on Hoopla as an eBook. Now to find the time to read it?

Thirty years of telling Americans they don’t need families, communities, or a shared history is destroying what made our country the envy of the world.

While many Americans have worried about China, open borders, opioids, failing communities, and families in crisis, our elites have told us that’s all fine because it’s not only inevitable; it’s for the best.

Every part of our nation is now in decline, and it’s all connected.

In Decades of Decadence, Marco Rubio exposes the elites’ attacks on the four key elements of American strength: good local jobs, stable families, geographical communities, and a sovereign nation that serves as a beacon of freedom and prosperity. These have been eroded not only by globalization, but by the lies we tell ourselves, including, “Anyone who loves each other is a family,” “Real community can be found on the internet,” and “We’re all citizens of the world.”

It’s not too late to reject these errors. America remains a powerful and wealthy nation, built on timeless truths ingrained in the very creation of mankind. But we cannot afford another misguided and decadent decade. In this book, Rubio shows how we can avoid another dark age and restore America’s place as the global ideal of harmony, opportunity, and democracy.

EDIT Add on 6/15/2023: After listening to a Ben Domenech podcast interviewing Senator Marco Rubio on what is titled “America’s Crossroads Moment,” I found it too interesting and informative NOT to share. Listen or download wherever you listen to podcasts (Apple Podcasts for me) … or listen or fast-forward through it below if you are pinched for time.

America’s Crossroads MomentMarco Rubio with host Ben Domenech


Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
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