The Oostra’s new house has their first Christmas tree … and a little baseball podcast for ThrowBack Thursday #TBT

| December 12, 2024

Today’s archive post will be quite the Throwback Thursday #TBT stretch … as the photos and Christmas tree subject matter are from last weekend … even though “The Longest Game” podcast forwarded by my daughter Katelyn is a baseball story from years ago (she knows I enjoy baseball). Let’s start with the baseball story from 1981 […]

While playing with NotebookLM’s podcasting feature, I decide to create a couple more AI “Deep Dive” discussions

| October 7, 2024

So let’s just say that I’m impressed with the ability to use Google’s “experimental” AI NotebookLM to not only summarize articles, but also to create fake podcasts (“fake” in search of a better word?) So after preparing a post for Sunday, I mentioned the AI software experiment to my daughter and ask for an article […]

Super crazy, scary AI podcasting with experimental NotebookLM

| October 6, 2024

In September, I read a couple of articles (1 and 2) in the Wall Street Journal talking about coyotes in our suburban and urban America and sent a copy to Drew and Katelyn (their camera just picked up a coyote walking by the girls playhouse – click for video). Anyway, we’ve been seeing them for […]

Starting an Annie Jacobsen book, “Nuclear War: A Senario,” and adding a couple others to my “want to” read list

| August 10, 2024

Not that I’m contemplating “doomsday” or ultra-paranoid, but the new book by Annie Jacobsen called “Nuclear War: A Scenario” is indeed frightening and does make me realize just how quickly the President of the United States must make nuclear decisions — 6 minutes. Our military interactions over the past 100+ years have all been quick-strike […]

Tech Friday: Apple Podcast app with transcription feature

| August 2, 2024

Have you ever been listening to a podcast that is getting a little long-winded? Oh, there are a few of them resembling those at a Donald Trump for President rally  … or more recently, his speech at the Republican Convention. 😉  According to various reports, Donald Trump’s acceptance speech at the 2024 Republican National Convention […]

Some history … and can Israel eliminate Hamas in the Gaza Strip without another full blown war in the Middle East?

| October 14, 2023

Like most … but depressingly not all Americans … I’ve been heavy hearted and angry this week after Hamas terrorist slaughtered innocent Israeli civilians (including 27 Americans) and took an estimated 150 hostages back to Gaza. I’m not sure how those who side with Hamas and their backers (Iran) can explain away such horrific murder, but […]

Learning more about the Everglades via audio field trip

| July 12, 2023

Enjoyed a long-ish audio field trip shared in the Washington Post last week by Lillian Cunningham. It was educational and a relaxing evening listen while “trying” to read a book (but I could not focus on both). 😉  The Everglades have always been interesting to me. My brother and I dreamt of living on Key […]

Books: “Decades of Decadence” by Marco Rubio (2023)

| June 14, 2023

I needed another book to read like a hole in my head as the idiom goes, but since the newly released book by Marco Rubio called “Decades of Decadence” hit the bookstore today, I figured that I would “get on the list” at my local library. Lo and behold it was available on Hoopla as an […]

A favorite podcast: Stocks Are in the ‘Death Zone.’

| February 25, 2023

Jack Hough is a favorite Barron’s Magazine writer and #streetwise podcast host wrote “another” interesting investing article and interview this week: U.S. stocks have entered the “death zone,” a top Wall Street strategist wrote this past week. I detected a bearish undertone. The phrase is used by mountaineers to describe heights where humans can’t live […]

Proposing our family listen to a podcast on Christmas Eve

| December 24, 2022

Jane Wells has been a reporter for CNBC (“Janie” as the late Mark Haines called her)  that I’ve followed for years while watching business news channels (or should I have said, “is a ‘has-been’ reporter?” – hopefully a little humor that she would appreciate!). Anyway, I always smiled when watching her “quirky” stories and reporting […]

A riddle by Dennis Prager got me thinking …

| June 4, 2022

Q: What do you call a religious person who claims that the end is near? Answer: A fanatic. Q: What do you call a secular person who claims that the end is near? Answer: An environmentalist. When my podcasts on my weekend playlist are finished and I’m still in the mood for some audio content, […]

Tech Friday: A new Shokz headset called OPENRUN is available

| March 25, 2022

Those who know me likely have noticed that I’m often wearing an Aftershokz headset. I’ve worn them for the last several years and since my hearing has been impacted by Ménière’s disease way back in the late 1990s (long story) … in dealing with Menieres related hearing loss, I have found a bone conduction headset […]

Books: “The End Is Always Near” by Dan Carlin

| February 27, 2022

My son Taylor is a history buff and turned me on to Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History podcasts. I particularly enjoyed Carlin’s long running Supernova in the East series and commented a couple times previously as it corresponded with quite a few books that I’ve read (and am still reading) detailing World War II and the […]

Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History: Supernova in the East #podcast

| September 27, 2021

A couple of weeks ago, Taylor introduced me to a Dan Carlin “Hardcore History” podcasts. He thought I might enjoy them, since both of us particularly appreciate learning more about military history. The series is called “Supernova in the East” detailing the Japanese Empire from pre-World War Japan through WW 2 in six long lectures […]

The US trend is politically left as opposing voices are squelched

| January 19, 2021

It’s not “breaking news” that we live in a changing United States of America or that propaganda and control over speech is being used to steer large swaths of the population towards leftist ideology … but what is eye-opening is just how coordinated the powers that be are in opposing the “rights” protected by our […]

Love the audio Bible reading on the Truth For Life devotional

| November 28, 2020

Although I’ve worked with my friend Pastor Keith Thomas on his site for years, I’ve been happy for him that his daughter has taken on the volunteer job of webmaster. As I warned him, be careful when it comes to maintaining the day to day site management … as once the new design ambition […]

Currently my favorite podcast: Streetwise by Jack Hough

| June 17, 2020

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Is this defunding/dismantling police for real or just politics?

| June 11, 2020

After listening to the loudest protestors from around the U.S. seemingly unite around the “defund and dismantle the police” manta, it is natural for people to ponder the questions regarding how this movement of angry people intend to “keep the peace.” As some point laws aren’t going to be followed, gangs and thugs will intimidate […]

Do you recycle or think about your environmental footprint?

| July 24, 2019

As a conservation minded “conservative” and as someone who has always balanced the cost vs benefits of decisions, I once thought “recycling” was as simple as “not littering” and cleaning up pollution highlighted by the 1971 ad campaign (Iron Eyes Cody photo above). From an early age we were bombarded by pointing out how careless […]

Lost track of the weekend – Happy Father’s Day

| June 16, 2019

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Do you really think free college, wage/price controls, a green new deal, open borders and socialism will fix America’s problems?

| March 24, 2019

Maybe it is my age … or just the latest swing to the radical left by Democrats staging themselves for a presidential primary to challenge President Trump in 2020 … but this whole anti-free market socialist tilt has me concerned for the direction of our country. It is no longer the political quarrel over the […]

The new 2019 iPad Air or the 11 inch iPad Pro?

| March 22, 2019

This is project for work as I wanted to demonstrate to a customer what I was referring to when I encouraged them to add a simple “read a script” podcast channel or simple YouTube video component to their marketing. It is a way to capture audiences who have moved away from reading articles and blogs […]

Do you appreciate modern dentistry?

| August 8, 2018

With a niece a new dentist and both a late father-in-law and brother-in-law who were dentists, the #70 Mike Rowe "The Way I Heard It Podcast" was interesting – You Might Feel A Little Pinch. I’m thankful for modern dentistry … although may look at my dentist with a little more scrutiny. Check out mikeroweWorks […]

Mike Rowe talks about doctors in his #TheWayIHeardIt podcast

| July 28, 2018

As a fan of Mike Rowe‘s The Way I Heard It podcasts, his praise for medical doctors highlights the debate of earning the "title" of doctor and being addressed as ‘Dr.’ based on "what you want to be called" or receiving honorary degrees. As Mike Rowe comments on Twitter, "according to my producer, this brand […]

Happy Easter! Victory over death and sin through Jesus Christ.

| April 1, 2018

Happy Easter brothers and sisters in Christ!         He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed. This past week I’ve been listening to Alistair Begg speak on Life After Death recorded from Parkside Church and shared on the Truth For Life podcast. Ever since Katelyn and Drew gave me the Amazon Echo Dot for Christmas I […]

Answering questions on the Motley Fool Industry Focus podcast

| September 21, 2017

Tuned into Motley Fool’s Industry Focus podcast this week talking about how drugmakers get patents and drug trials through the FDA. The Q & A segment was  helpful for those looking to understand the process and pitfalls before adding shares of these companies to their portfolios.   Motley Fool Industry Focus Podcast (mp3) | 9/20/2017 […]

Independence Day: Render Unto Caesar, a Mike Rowe Podcast

| July 4, 2017

If you listen and make it to the end of this 10 minute July 4, 2017 Independence Day podcast by Mike Rowe, you’ll get the point of this interesting story. Well worth the Blue Apron advertisement and introduction (definitely a worthwhile podcast to subscribe to or follow on Facebook).  Render Unto Caesar (mp3) | Mike […]

Can science determine if you are a Liberal or a Conservative?

| April 6, 2014

Chris Mooney in an Inquiring Minds podcast interviewed John Hibbing, a political scientist (University of Nebraska) and co-author of Predisposed: Liberal, Conservatives, and the Biology of Political Differences. They conversed at length about the research in measuring sympathetic symptoms of differing political ideologies. Mooney’s follow-up article also appeared in Mother Jones. According to John Hibbing, […]

Your health care plan: Spouses may no longer be covered

| February 25, 2013

The negative implication of “big government’s Obamacare” is just beginning to be felt by those with health care coverage and businesses are squirming to adapt to the pages of new regulations. One of the latest money saving measures is that of “dropping spousal coverage” – I’m just guessing, but I suspect it will be unpopular? […]

Stitcher podcast application for the Palm Pre

| October 7, 2009

The new podcast listening app available for the Palm Pre has just improved the sophisticated smartphone ten-fold when in comes to listening to audio. On the heels of the iTunes sync webOS 1.2.1 release/repair/update, the App Catalog new arrival of Stitcher now makes listening to podcasts a cinch. After a quick download and install (providing […]

Follow up: EFE gazebo project nears completion

| May 6, 2009

I know that I’ve posted one too many photos of the gazebo progress, but one more picture taken while the sun sets won’t hurt. This one was taken on Tuesday night just after the construction workers installed the railings and before the rain came today, Wednesday 5/6/2009. I’ll also use this to mention that I’ve […]

Keeping podcast content up to date on my mobile

| March 25, 2009

I was talking to a friend about Miami University old WMUB’s  “HelpDesk” radio program which has moved  to the podcast only format now that the radio station is no longer broadcasting its own content (ended in February 2009). He asked me how to listen to the program now that it is no longer on the […]

Talked with WealthNation for a new pilot podcast

| March 1, 2009

I had a Skype conversation with Cali Lewis (aka: Geekbeat.TV) and her business experts on Saturday for a pilot for a new podcast called WealthNation, I think?  She invited me to ask a couple business questions pertaining to liability protection utilizing a corporation or LLC and a follow up on product patent protection. Unfortunately I’m […]

Palm Treo 700p first look

| May 18, 2006

Mobility Today video taped a first look at the Treo 700p as they somehow got there hands on a new PDA smartphone. If you are at all interesting in a Treo device and what it can do, check out the the video clip that David Ciccone put together. It is mirrored at several locations so […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog