CBS VP Debate: Ohio Normal meets Minnesota Nice (opinion)

Posted By on October 3, 2024

The Hustings News - 241002Although I’ve never fancied myself a journalist or a writer, in today’s socially connected world, it is interesting to see news and opinion evolving closer to the people. Citizen journalism is really real, now that all of us can share our thoughts on a variety of subjects, not the least of which is politics

An online automotive publisher in Chicago introduced me to a lifetime journalist friend of his who started a political site … along with a few likeminded friends. They were mostly journalists … and like a ghostwriter I used at CPP in Cuyahoga Falls …  the right words flowed easily from his keyboard. What is difficult for many of us, comes easy to those with that “developed” gift. 

JD Vance Tim Walz at CBS VP Debate 10/1/2024

Anyway, because my views come from the political right, I’ve been asked on a couple occasions to offer an opinion in order to better round out the political “Right” column of TheHustings.News. This latest request was to offer my take on the CBS Vice-Presidential Debate on Tuesday (10/1/2024). Reluctantly I said yes and took unusually detailed notes (at least for me). So instead of tossing them, I’ll archive them below my opinion below. 😉 

Vance Was Rock-Solid

By Rich Corbett

As a conservative voter, my reaction to the vice-presidential debate is that Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) was rock-solid. He reinforced Republican strength when it comes to the economy, border and foreign policy stability. 

Vance was likable, polite, connectable, professional and convincingly competent. By Vance answering the moderators with … “you asked the question, so I’ll answer the question” … it reminded voters just how few answers we have received from Kamala Harris on her flip-flopped positions. As a running mate, he definitely is an asset to former President Donald Trump. 

As for Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN), he did no harm to Kamala Harris. He was good enough on the Democrat positions in talking about health care and abortion, but less convincing that Trump is a “threat to democracy” or that Americans would see much change from the last three-and-a-half years. His defense over his past embellishments such as a visit to Hong Kong and Tiananmen Square in his non-answer, “I’m a knucklehead at times,” was memorable, but a reminder that politicians mislead — lie — if they think it will benefit their political future. 

If voters came to the debate not knowing JD Vance or with a negative impression, he likely improved his stature and may have advanced the Trump/Vance ticket. For Tim Walz and his “neighborly guy” image, it disappeared to what seemed artificial anger over January 6th. He appeared far more nervousness than Vance and had difficulty in defending himself and Harris, but quickly deflected into to blaming Trump. It was a hard sell after three-and-a-half years of Biden/Harris. 

Corbett is a longtime reader and a contributor to The Hustings’ right column.

My debate notes on my iPad with my eyes barely open

Vice Presidential candidate debate 10/1/2024
Gov Tim Walz vs Sen JD Vance

  • Vance – Peace through strength. Up to Israel. 
  • Walz – Criticism of Trump admin. Fickle. Steady leadership is Biden/Harris. 
  • Vance – Iran closer to Nuclear weapons. 3-1/2 years of Biden/Harris
  • Vance – Only time we were not closer to or in war was under Trump’s 4 years.
  • Vance – If carbon emissions is a problem, then produce energy in the US, not in China as Harris has done for 3-1/2 years.
  • Walz – Climate change is real. Energy superpower for the future. 
  • Vance – Slogan “clean energy” – then we don’t spend the money in China and components
  • Walz – we’re not against natural gas
  • Vance – yet Harris wanted to ban fracking and less exporting of LNG. 
  • Vance – Stop the bleeding on the border. Harris has opened the border and fentanyl. Start with criminal migrants. Make it harder to work if you are illegal. They will go home. 325,000 children have been lost.
  • Walz – Harris was DA in California and tough on illegals committing crime. Trump said no to border bill. 
  • Vance – For 3 year Harris bragged about dismantling Trumps border policies. Schools overwhelmed. 
  • Walz – Focus on the bill that was on the table. (No follow up: What about the HR2?)
  • Vance – The laws are there. Empower the LE border agent to enforce laws. Housing, homes, schools, American citizens result of 25 million illegals.
  • Walz – The bill Trump railed again would have funded LE (No follow up of 5000/day?) 
  • Vance – CBC1 app (cut off by bias moderators)
  • Walz – Middle class, Harris talking about housing assistance and money up front.
  • Vance – Trump plan are the same and his record delivered record takehome pay and had low inflation. Tax cut brought jobs back home. 
  • Walz – Trump failure on Covid. What about all the professionals can’t be trusted, according to Trump.
  • Vance – Shipping jobs overseas and to Mexico are what the “experts” said would help Americans. It hasn’t.
  • Walz – Billionaires tax cuts. Fair trading partners. Trump had largest trade deficit with China.
  • Vance – Atrocious record by Harris on economy. Why trust Harris/Walz to continue.
  • Walz – Leadership qualities: travel to China, “I’m a knucklehead at times.” I’m there for the people and I get caught up in the rhetoric. Trump should have been on the trip to China rather ?? I misspoke.
  • – Vance – I was wrong about DJT. He delivered for people. I’ve changed my mind on him and positions. A lot of things we could have done better. Congress is a forum to govern. Congress was so obsessed with impeachment that they didn’t focus on helping the American people.
  • – Walz – Support abortion in the 9th month? No answer. Switched to Project 2025 and cases of KY and TX abortions. Basic human right is healthcare. 
  • – Vance – I want to be pro-family. Affordable to have babies. Have fertility treatments. Let voters decide in each state where people stand on abortion. (States testbed to determine what works best?? Late term and reducing numbers – rare rather than a birth control???) 
  • – Walz – Women forced to leave their state to seek abortions. Determined by geography. 
  • – Vance – Has personally supported a ban after 15 weeks. Not a national ban. Partial birth abortion views/stories. Ohio voted against my position – need to earn trust back. 
  • Walz – We are pro-women, not pro-abortion. Freedom to make choices. 
  • Vance – Under MN law, a doctor is not under obligation to save a child under an abortion. 
  • Walz – Women and doctors make the decision. That’s not what the laws says. (looks defensive???)
  • Neither – No answers on gun violence. Finland has gun ownership and less violence. “Walz became friends with school shooters” nervous misstatement. Sometimes it’s just the guns. Huh???
  • Walz – Won’t handing out money will drive up price of homes – down payment assistance. Can’t blame immigrants.
  • Vance – Illegal aliens competing for homes drives up prices. Lower energy prices will assist in lowering prices for home — immediately. Federal land could be opened up and used for housing. 
  • Vance – Concepts on healthcare. Pre-existing conditions. Prescription drug price fell under Trump. Up under Harris. Pricing listed for procedures in hospitals would help clarify what people pay. Trump has Americans confidence as businessman and president for 4 years he can lead. 
  • Walz – Under Harris, more people are covered under health care. Trump would have repealed the ACA.
  • Someone tweeted: “Your kids are not kids when they are 26” to Walz comment.
  • Vance – Young and healthy people were leaving the ACA because to cost them too much. 
  • Walz – Harris made it a priority. Big companies offer it, but no protection for small employers. Paid family leave by law. 
  • Vance – Need a family care model that fits what people choose. 
  • Vance – Parents will spend as much for childcare as they do for housing. Cut taxes for Americans. Penalize corps who ship jobs and use slave labor overseas. 
  • Vance – Threat to democracy is censorship. 
  • Walz – Was “lying” about police officers beat with flags and dying on Jan 6 
  • Vance – Censorship – reject censorship.
  • Moderators giving Walz too much time on focusing on Jan 6
  • Walz – closing from Bernie Sanders, to Taylor Swift support for Harris.
  • Vance – Americans should be able to afford. Fix broken leadership. Can’t do the same thing we have done for past 3-1/2 years. 

* My immediate thoughts: Vance was connectable. He was kind and polite. Walz was good-enough – good on health care and abortion. Nasty on Jan6. Personal stories. Toughest moment was talking about Tiananmen Square protests. Moderators targeted Vance but he handled himself with grace. Republicans have the advantage on the economy, the border and foreign affairs. Walz strongest on abortion, health care and maybe Jan 6, but didn’t win over people on the fence. 

  • Walz discrepancy – “I misspoke, and learned a lot.” BUT didn’t say he lied. 
  • Vance – “Trump doesn’t just have a plan, he has a record.”
  • Vance said … “You asked the question, so I’ll answer the question.” 


Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
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