We stay on the lookout for different crabs on our beach walks

Posted By on March 9, 2025

Delray Beach 3/6/2025 Atlantic Dunes Trail to the beach 3/6/2025

While on our walk on the beach the other day, we spotted an unusual looking crab (posted a couple crab photos last month and this month too). After a little digging on the Internet, I think this crab appears to be a Florida Rough Box Crab (Calappa gallus) or a closely related species of Box Crab (Calappidae family) … and yes, I used ChatGPT (4.0) to research this from my photo. 😉 

Florida Box Crab

Here are some key details:

Identification & Appearance:

  • Shell (Carapace): Dome-shaped, rough, and textured, often with sand or debris clinging to it for camouflage.
  • Coloration: Typically reddish-brown, tan, or sandy-colored to blend into the beach environment.
  • Claws: Box crabs have disproportionately large claws that they tuck under their bodies, giving them a “boxy” appearance when at rest.
  • Legs: Short and sturdy, adapted for burrowing rather than swimming.

Habitat & Range:

  • Found in shallow coastal waters, sandy beaches, and seafloors along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of Florida.
  • Often buries itself in sand for protection from predators and to ambush prey.
  • Commonly found washed up on beaches after storms or rough surf.

Diet & Behavior:

  • Primarily scavengers and carnivores, feeding on small mollusks, clams, and other shellfish by cracking their shells with powerful claws.
  • Nocturnal behavior—most active at night while hunting or burrowing.
  • Their camouflaged shell helps them avoid detection from predators like fish, birds, and larger crabs.

Interesting Facts:

  • Sometimes referred to as a Shame-faced Crab due to how it tucks its claws under its body.
  • Despite their intimidating look, they are not aggressive toward humans.
  • Their natural defense mechanism is burying themselves in sand rather than fighting.



Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
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