Cincinnati Riverfest 2007 & Fly-in success
Posted By RichC on September 3, 2007
Labor Day weekend is generally way too full for me. First, I always miss the TDIFest (held in Montreal Canada this year), I am obligated to work the Airshow/Pancake Breakfast at the Red Stewart Airport as it is the only fund-raiser my EAA chapter does (a big success this year), generally have a family reunion of sorts at our house (thankfully not this year) and have the draw of the fireworks in Cincinnati that we call Riverfest (post from last year).
If you’re not from southwestern Ohio or the surrounding area you might ask, “Why do people come back to Cincinnati each year for Riverfest?” Could it be 40 years of the most impressive firework display I’ve ever seen? Over 500,000 people seem to agree year after year (40 years now) and make their way to downtown Cincinnati and Newport Kentucky in order to position themselves along the river. This year the usual WEBN radio crew, Cincinnati’s WLWT Channel 5 along with countless corporate sponsors help put together an unbelievable 45 minute pyrotechnics spectacular … and although a YouTube video clip will not do it justice, I’ll include a 2 minute snippet below. (BTW … this year Arm Forces TV picked up the feed and televised the event around the world)
EDIT: A YouTube contributor PhatTaxi posted multiple part WLWT Channel 5 feeds:
Part 1 — Part 2 — Part 3 — Part 4
(Don’t miss that last segment! Thanks to WEBN and Cincinnati Bell.)