RichC | December 2, 2020
December 2020 rolled in with a light white blanket of snow and colder weather to let us know that winter is probably here for a while. I can’t say that I’m looking forward to the temperature change, but I really don’t mind the hushed beauty of a “new-fallen snow” … as Clement Clarke Moore wrote […]
Category: Misc, Personal, Photos, Weather |
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Tags: accident, age, ani gif, bethany road, christmas, clement clark moore, fence, poem, santa, snow, st. nicholas, state of mind, story, winter
RichC | July 21, 2020
After updating a few security features on this server, there is/was a problem (?) in posting to So as an update test, I’ll add a couple photos. The subject line question is really a trick question since the photo on the right was taken a day before the one on the left a couple […]
Category: Blogs, Personal, Photos |
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Tags: age, beard, blog, mdb, richc, security, testing, update
RichC | April 12, 2020
Although Brenda and I have been regularly listening to pastors share audio messages on their podcasts or watching church services online during these trying Coronavirus days, we like many Christians, are finding it challenging to be thinking and planning for Easter? Nevertheless, the calendar indicates it is Easter Sunday 2020, so a proper “He is […]
Category: Archive, Faith, Holiday, Memories, Personal, Photos |
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Tags: age, dadc, easter, egg, family, jesus, katelyn, Memory, momc, pet, photo, pumpy umpy, Rabbit, sunday
RichC | March 3, 2019
But before the “six degrees of separation” reference (see below), how do you stack up to the WSJ survey of “workers benefiting from a strong U.S. labor market?” One thing that seems to remain consistent over the years is that an education benefits you when it comes to jobs and compensation in the long haul, […]
Category: Memories, News, Personal, Social Media, Sports |
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Tags: age, baseball, brenda, cincinnati, frank, jamestown, jordan, kyle, labor, markets, mlb, new york, reds, six degrees of separation, theory, twitter, wages, wren, wsj
RichC | March 10, 2013
When older friends start to included your name on forwarded emails, they might be thinking that you are “older than dirt” too! Hmm, maybe I need younger friends! (Tip: Edit your forwards or use something like Papercut Software’s “email stripper” if you enjoy forwarding emails.) OLDER THAN DIRT Q: A kid asked the other day, ‘What […]
Category: Humor, Misc |
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Tags: age, email, old