RichC | November 15, 2023
After one year of Costco Executive membership it was time to ask the “is it worth it” question. Thankfully for us, after one year, it did pay for itself for the first year. For us, at least for the first year, being an Executive Member vs Gold Star Member at Costco did pay off, but […]
Category: Advice, Financial, Shopping, Tidbits |
Tags: analysis, cost benefit, costco, credit card, executive membership, Shopping
RichC | January 1, 2015
The year 2014 ended on a rather positive note thanks to lower oil prices, low inflation and higher stock prices. Considering the economic malaise most Americans have endured most of the past 7 years, a little optimism feels good. Consumer confidence climbed to 92.6 in December as measured by The Conference Board’s private survey and […]
Category: Blogs, Financial, Holiday |
Tags: analysis, blog, happy, like button, new year, ulike
RichC | January 13, 2013
Hmm, did the content I post to the blog get less interesting or are Internet users getting their fill of personal blogs? Maybe there is just too much content available? After years of increasing blog readership, at least in pageviews, 2012 was the first year My Desultory Blog saw a decline in the numbers across […]
Category: Blogs, Misc, Personal |
Tags: 2012, analysis, blog, mydesultoryblog, stats
RichC | January 5, 2012
The Kickstarter company Lubricheck, mentioned in May of 2011, has improved their oil analyzer device to include diesel engines. Outstanding … although they aren’t shipping just yet – order link. We are pleased to report that our software development and testing has been successfully completed! During this process, we found several changes that were required […]
Category: Automotive, Technology, Tools |
Tags: analysis, lubricheck, oil, tool