RichC | October 15, 2017
Disappointed to be still NOT watching NFL football on Sunday afternoon (week 6), but for the most part there are plenty of autumn chores to keep me busy. Unfortunately the rain came this afternoon and while grabbing a snack at the new kitchen counter, flipped to NASCAR just as I did last weekend. It is […]
Category: Entertainment, Sports |
Tags: anthem, flag, football, knee, kneeling, nascar, nfl, patriotism, protest
RichC | September 26, 2017
Since I’ve been watching the Ken Burns and Lynn Novick PBS Vietnam War 10-part series, it is not surprising that once again that some in the United States have an issue over perceive inequities (or something). Unfortunately peaceful protestors again take it out on those wearing a uniform? Very sad … one would think that […]
Category: Politics, Sports |
Tags: anthem, boycott, flag, football, kneel, nfl, Politics, protest
RichC | July 4, 2016
Most people know that Francis Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner, which would become our National Anthem, as he watched the shelling of Fort McHenry. Few people know that his poem had additional verses (link – verses below)… or that the music it was eventually set to is from a 1771 English drinking song […]
Category: History, Holiday, Music |
Tags: anthem, independence day, national, star spangled banner