A different kind of Memorial Day remembrance

| May 27, 2024

Each year Memorial Day holiday often brings out the best in Americans. Those I know, at least give “thought” to the service men and women who fought and died to protect and preserve our country, our freedom and way of life. It is of course, will never be enough appreciation from those of us who […]

Project planning: A box for my dad’s military service flag

| August 5, 2023

The making of a traditional black walnut box, for the military service flag I was presented at my father’s funeral, has long been on my mind. As I close in on almost a decade since his passing and the flag still lives in the plastic holder provided by the funeral home. It has been my […]

Freedom, bravery and sacrifice represented in 1, ok 2, photos

| February 26, 2022

(click photo for actual Flag of Ukraine) Zelensky refuses US offer to evacuate, saying ‘I need ammunition, not a ride’ (CNN) Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has turned down an offer from the United States of evacuation from the capital city Kyiv, the Ukraine embassy in Britain said Saturday on Twitter. "The fight is here; I […]

Half-Staff days in 2022 and office crown molding, paint, etc

| January 22, 2022

Archiving a couple office update photos after completing the crown molding, painting and “test” fitting of my new Samsung TV that Brenda bought me for Christmas. I also mounted the Yamaha soundbar on a couple special brackets so that the wires, etc remain behind the “skinny” television. As for the crown molding after making the […]

Patriotism and respect for our American Flag #audio

| October 3, 2021

While slowly getting going on Saturday, the Fox and Friends Weekend broadcast was on in the background. A frustrating … and depressing story … from an  older veteran, retired Col Leonard B Scott III, the “Old Ranger,”  from Edmond, Oklahoma (who had his flags stolen), caught my ear and irritated me a how some people […]

Thinking about the ultimate sacrifice on Memorial Day

| May 25, 2020

We should probably come up with a better way to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country than a day off work, grilling out and giving momentary lip service? As I sat on the front porch on Sunday (something I don’t often do), I looked at the half staff flag and did […]

Ordered a new wire cored flag halyard this week

| May 5, 2020

After our flag halyard failed again this year, I did a little more digging as to why the “cheap” rope deteriorated so fast. My first assumption was that the sun damaged the fibers since it has a worn, powder feel to it? Then after looking for better grade polyester (weather resistant) halyards, decided that this […]

The flag halyard fails again and Old Glory comes flopping down

| February 29, 2020

We have had a problem with our Amazon purchased halyard on our flag pole instead of the rapid flag degrading as usual – as can be seen on our WyzeCam security mp4 video (below). This is the second flag halyard we have had fail in the last couple of years; next time I’m going to […]

Happy Independence Day 2019 – tainting another symbol

| July 4, 2019

Most Americans love their country and enjoy celebrating our country’s “amazing” 243 year history and success. We are thankful for the rag-tag group of patriots from the 13 original colonies who boldly fought for their independence from Great Britain. In school, my generation (and previous) learned about our forefather’s near impossible struggle for freedom and […]

The NFL is losing my support and viewership again in 2018

| August 14, 2018

It is so frustrating to see a handful of NFL players once again willing to offend A WHOLE BUNCH of patriotic fans —  including me — for another season with their kneeing or holding a fist during the playing of our National Anthem. I blame a handful of players, their union, the NFL commissioner and […]

The NFL off and NASCAR on as another week goes by

| October 15, 2017

Disappointed to be still NOT watching NFL football on Sunday afternoon (week 6), but for the most part there are plenty of autumn chores to keep me busy. Unfortunately the rain came this afternoon and while grabbing a snack at the new kitchen counter, flipped to NASCAR just as I did last weekend. It is […]

The NFL football protests have an unpatriotic aftertaste

| September 26, 2017

Since I’ve been watching the Ken Burns and Lynn Novick PBS Vietnam War 10-part series, it is not surprising that once again that some in the United States have an issue over perceive inequities (or something). Unfortunately peaceful protestors again take it out on those wearing a uniform? Very sad … one would think that […]

Happy Flag Day – an excellent podcast from Mike Rowe

| June 14, 2017

Flag Day 2017 — “Something To Stand For” by Mike Rowe of MikeRoweWORKS

Listening to the fireworks as the sun sets on July 4, 2015

| July 4, 2015

Observing June 14th as Flag Day and Flag Week

| June 14, 2012

As a casual flag flier, I often wonder if I’m respectful enough of our stars and stripes? Disclosure: I’ve always had a flag, portable staff or flag pole and initially decided to raise our flag and illuminated it 24/7 after 9/11 out of respect for those serving our country. I committed to keep it flying until […]

Flying the American flag at half staff this week

| January 9, 2011

To honor the victims of Saturday’s shooting in Tucson, Arizona, we will follow the Presidential Proclamation and fly our flag at half staff until sunset on Friday night. The White House Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release January 09, 2011 Presidential Proclamation–Honoring the Victims of the Tragedy in Tucson, Arizona As a mark […]

July 4th marks our annual flag retiring ritual

| July 5, 2010

America’s Independence Day marks the day our family (well … me really) puts up a new flag. Usually the old flag makes it about a year, although a few of the cheaper ones have deteriorated much quicker.  I’ve pretty much decided that the stitched and embroidered nylon flags hold up the best. The pile of […]

Independence Day 2005

| July 1, 2005

I’ll get a jump on the weekend with a couple of Independence Day suggestions: If you’ve never owned a US flag make this year the year to show your pride and appreciation for our country. It is a good way to reflect and remember those that founded, fought and continue to protect this great nation […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog