RichC | August 19, 2016
I really don’t know who these Minion characters are, but admire the phenomenon and their “cuteness.” Frankly I’ve haven’t actually seen the movie … or is it movies plural by now? Anyway, seeing them creatively showing up on a corner at our local Delhi Garden Center puts me in a good mood — and that […]
Category: Art, Local, Marketing, Movies |
Tags: animated, cartoon, delhi, minion, movie
RichC | February 24, 2016
Category: Humor, Politics |
Tags: bernie sanders, cartoon, Humor, politician
RichC | December 23, 2015
Imagine this editorial cartoon being published by a right-leaning newspaper during a previous presidential campaign … let’s say to a “then” Senator Obama rather than a “now” Senator Cruz? Something tells me Democrats on the political left would have settled for nothing less than a full apology from the publisher and possible firing of those […]
Category: News, Politics |
Tags: cartoon, democrats, left, political, republican, right, ted cruz
RichC | March 26, 2009
If you’ve been surfing the web for any length of time you’ve seen the artist ‘cartoon’ looking avatars. One company called makes it easy to convert a current photo into an avatar. I tested the web based service the other day and received my €3.50 EUR ($4.89 US) cartoon-ish looking avatar back by email […]
Category: Computer, Social Media |
Tags: Art, avatar, cartoon