Hurricane season 2024 hits those in the Caribbean #Beryl

| July 3, 2024

Yes it is hurricane season … and yes, the water temperatures are above historic norms … but climate change alarmists pretending to be CNN journalists are blaming fossil fuels directly.  This isn’t factual or sound science. There are those who study climate change and global warming who hypothesize that the use of carbon-based fuels and […]

Food for thought: “Marxism isn’t an ideology at all – it’s a tactic”

| March 12, 2024

Political ideology has always interesting me. I was aware of different philosophies early on since an intellectual best friend from high school was way to the left  and interested in Socialism and Marxism.   Charlie Matthews (Kamikaze) seemed like a leftover from the 1960s and even back in the 1970s and 80s supported the Marxist […]

The many political ‘ISMs’ discussed in our culture today #TBT

| October 21, 2021

Every time I use political term with an “ism” these days, I sense I need to clarify the meaning as much as for myself as to the person I’m talking too. Often I’ll refer to an online resource in order to be sure that I’m not misspeaking … but usually its because the terms have […]

Music Monday: A song for a political divisive government/society. Get Together – The Youngbloods

| March 2, 2020

This content is restricted.

There are few good TV shows, but thankful for Last Man Standing

| December 4, 2018

Now that my favorite TV comedy with Tim Allen is back on the air … I read a bit about Last Man Standing’s cancelation by ABC and how the show eventually made it’s way to FOX. I never did buy the "it wasn’t for political reasons" comment from ABC … as who cancels their #2 […]

Using journalistic integrity when reporting on President Trump

| November 7, 2017

Ethics in journalism, particularly political content, continues to disappear as the line between editorializing and reporting is blurred. Most who consume "their" brand of NEWS recognize there is truth to the sarcastic #FakeNews hashtag on social networks and President Trump’s regular "tweets" complaining about how his administration is treated by the #MSM (Main Stream Media). […]

One last uncomforting look at our presidential choices

| November 6, 2016

As someone who politically grew up at a time when Ronald Reagan instilled optimism in America and in Americans, I am disgusted and embarrassed to to watch and vote for the “least worst” person running for president. On this coming Tuesday, or for many mailing in absentee or early voting, we’ll be doing just that […]

Campaigning, mud-slinging and dirty politics #photoshopped

| February 18, 2016

All is fair in love and war … AND POLITICS … or is it? In the campaign for president this year, candidates have pulled out all the stops and are turning to deceit. In the above Ted Cruz ad, his campaign put together an ad that portrays Sen. Marco Rubio shaking hands with President Obama […]

Imagine this happening to a Senator Obama rather than Cruz

| December 23, 2015

Imagine this editorial cartoon being published by a right-leaning newspaper during a previous presidential campaign … let’s say to a “then” Senator Obama rather than a “now” Senator Cruz? Something tells me Democrats on the political left would have settled for nothing less than a full apology from the publisher and possible firing of those […]

Americans often formulate opinions from media sound bites

| September 22, 2015

It may not be politically correct for Ben Carson or any other American candidate running for political office to say “I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation” … yet the reasons are more rational than most Americans who are NOT religiously or ethnically prejudicial think. After hearing Dr. […]

Second GOP debate: Fiorina and Rubio stood out

| September 17, 2015

Last night’s second GOP debate on CNN at the Reagan Library wasn’t bad as debates go. The current frontrunner, the attention grabbing Donald Trump did one thing for the Republican brand … he got generated attention. His grade school behavior buffoonery brought far viewers to  the stodgy GOP and that alone could help Republicans ideas […]

Isarithmic depiction of the U.S. two-party system

| September 19, 2011

This was posted in late 2010, but I found the tracking of our two-party voting pretty interesting sped up over time. While trying to remember my American history, it is interesting to watch the political swings in ideology over the years. The swings between too much centralized government and regulation … and unregulated capitalism has […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog