RichC | May 19, 2020
As mentioned on Sunday, the delayed Amazon shipment of the Kubota fuel pump set my maintenance and repair plans back a bit, but I did get around to replacing the previously substituted fuel filter in the John Deere 330. We mostly use the old John Deere diesel tractor for trailer duty (and snowblowing), but ever […]
Category: Archive, Diesel, Friends, Hobby, Personal, Photos, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: darlene, diesel, fuel filter, fuel pump, garage, georgia, john deere, kubota, maintenance, mark jones, repair, tractor, woodworking, workshop
RichC | February 1, 2018
It sure is nice to have friends like Mark and Dar to impose on when traveling … although I KNOW they would say I was invited and was not an imposition (the mark of true friends!) They put me up at what I now refer to as the "Jones B&B" as they always feed me […]
Category: Friends, Personal, Photos, Recipe |
Tags: breakfast, bundt, cake, darlene, georgia, mark jones, recipe
RichC | January 4, 2018
The new year has certainly started out cold in Cincinnati. We’ve been below zero every night this week and now that the frozen pipe is behind me (I hope), I was able to get back to some sense of a normal routine since I put off meetings and a pile of work until after the […]
Category: Friends, Photos, Weather |
1 Comment
Tags: cold, darlene, friends, jones, mark, Photos, snow, weather
RichC | July 19, 2017
A bit of a catch-up and thank you post to a sailing friend and loyal blog reader Mark Jones for giving me an overnight rest stop outside of Savannah, Georgia last weekend on my drive home from Florida; your hospitality and friendship is very much appreciated. Actually I have been looking forward to seeing Dar […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Sailing, Travel, Video |
Tags: archery, darlene, friends, georgia, guyton, house, mark jones, sailing, savannah
RichC | January 30, 2014
So much for my Postie WordPress plugin … “no postie” would be more appropriate. Anyway just wanted to include a photo of my liveaboard boating friends Mark and Dar in front of their sailboat Zola. The news is that after Dar’s surgery and stroke that left her vision impaired, they will have to put their […]
Category: Photos, Sailing |
Tags: darlene, encore, friends, mark, sailboat