Websites and social media feeds highlighting maps intrigue me

| January 9, 2025

A map by region illustrating the larger variations of temperatures than below Since I love looking at maps of all kinds, I’m always attracted to the ones that trigger intrigue me and helps me learn a little more about our world. I especially enjoy weather related maps (perhaps they often relate to aviation and sailing), […]

The things we discuss when looking up at clouds   🎶

| October 26, 2023

Most people enjoy a day or week at the beach, but few who are younger get the opportunity to spend much more time than that enjoying the sand and surf. Thankfully Brenda and I have figured out how to do it … even if it is not on a sailboat as I had planned. While […]

The Earth without water or atmosphere … and Mauna Kea #TBT

| February 3, 2022

We rarely think about that which we cannot see … but saw a photo of the earth without water or the normal colors associated with having an atmosphere on social media and thought it was intriguing. Another comment that was made was that “IF” you were to stand on Mauna Kea in Hawaii without water, […]

Happy Winter Solstice; it is the shortest day of the year.

| December 21, 2021

The planetary astronomer and science guru, Dr. James O’Donoghue, that I follow on Twitter posted a great video illustration that explains today, December 21st … or more appropriately a couple of days that occur as the seasons change. Today is the winter solstice and it marks the shortest day in the northern hemisphere. On December […]

Wrinkly-Nosed Tooth-Faced Shark – accurate, but not polite

| July 28, 2019

Who wants to go swimming?  The Great White Shark can detect blood in the water up to 3 miles away! Just look at those expensive teeth. I watched several science programs regarding space and the Apollo 11 moon landing these past couple of weeks … and one the other night explaining the Big Bang theory […]

Merry Christmas and God bless all of us on the good Earth

| December 24, 2016

The Apollo 8 Christmas Eve Broadcast Apollo 8, the first manned mission to the Moon, entered lunar orbit on Christmas Eve, December 24, 1968. That evening, the astronauts; Commander Frank Borman, Command Module Pilot Jim Lovell, and Lunar Module Pilot William Anders did a live television broadcast from lunar orbit, in which they showed pictures […]

The moon passing between climate observatory and earth

| July 28, 2016

Astronaut Rick Mastracchio (‏@AstroRM) posts some terrific space oriented photos. Here’s one showing he moon passing between the NASA climate observatory and earth. As he tweets, "almost unbelievable that this is a real photo."

Pima Air and Space Museum and the ‘boneyard’ in Tucson AZ

| October 20, 2010

I got sidetracked yesterday while talking on the phone to a fellow aviation enthusiast as he shared with me his impressions of the Pima Air and Space Museum. He knew that the National Museum of the Air Force was in my backyard and remembering me talk about the Martin B-26 Marauder on display that had […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog