RichC | January 16, 2019
Although we hear (or at least I read) about cyber attacks to the U.S. electrical grid and utilities on a regular basis … but I’m not sure we take these events seriously enough? I’ve blogged on this ever since reading One Second After, a detailed factual-fiction story about just how devastating, vulnerable and dependent we […]
Category: Energy, Millitary, News, Video-TV |
Tags: american, china, cyberwarfare, defense, electrical, emp, foxbusiness, grid, international, News, russia, sun, van hipp, varneyco, video
RichC | October 1, 2017
Who doesn’t have favorite pairs of shorts … or think about the potential for hard times or a doomsday? I have a few shorts, jeans, jackets, etc and can’t bear to part with them when they get a tear or a hole and are worn bare … so end up looking for ways to stretch […]
Category: Human Interest, Misc |
Tags: doomsday, emp, hard times, north korea, prepper, sailrite, sewing
RichC | January 25, 2014
No … not what you think. I have not gone down the Doomsday rabbit hole … just yet, but for years I’ve been interesting in self-sufficient living and do my share of reading. I enjoy reading both fictional thrillers about EMPs (ie. One Second After) and books oriented towards self-sufficiency. I’ve spent a few hours […]
Category: Audio, Energy, Misc, News |
Tags: audio, doomsday, emp, mp3, prepper