Can you tell that it is going to be a contentious election year?

| June 1, 2024

With partisan Democrats controlling “some” city and state governments … and our Federal bureaucracy hanging on by a thread … it is no surprise to see the United States looking like the totalitarian regimes we see in Communist Russia, China, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, etc (sidelining their political opposition). I can only assume Progressives, and […]

YouGov poll: Which media organizations do you trust?

| April 14, 2022

Music Monday: “Have You Ever Seen the Rain” – CCR

| November 29, 2021

This content is restricted.

TRILLIONs more in spending? IRS tracking at the $600 level? Where are the sensible leaders in our Federal government?

| October 9, 2021

If you think about it, the IRS will probably need far more than another $80 BILLION tax dollars to hire enough agents to track and follow up on every American who has a bank account or transaction over $600? A major component of President Joe Biden’s plan to raise revenue to pay for his trillions […]

After 6 days, the Ever Given is moving and the Suez Canal is open

| March 30, 2021

The news that has captured much of the of the world’s interest this week was the very large Ever Given container ship lodged sideways in the Suez Canal by 40+ mph winds (and perhaps some mechanical issues?). The “Empire State Building” size ship snarled traffic for 6 days surprising most people as to just how […]

Opinion: Do we know who the 46th POTUS will be yet?

| November 10, 2020

It has been a long week since the 2020 Presidential Election and I haven’t posted or commented on the vote or “media reported results” regarding several projections as to Joe Biden being our president-elect. For me, the tabulation of votes in key swing states is very close and legitimately contested based on several questionable issues […]

Looking for something positive amidst the #COVID19 Pandemic

| March 31, 2020

Although few of us really want to be tracking the exponential explosion of the COVID19 spread, a friend asked me if there was a preferred site to go to for updated information. I responded with or Department of Health here in Ohio as trusted sources, but then suggested that if he was like me, […]

What is going to stop the US stock market and $AAPL stock?

| January 18, 2020

While working on post highlighting the DJIA crossing 29,000, I realized that the stock market has blown through that milestone and is rocketing towards 30,000 and that I’ll have to start over (probably a “worry-wart” post is coming). One of the big contributors to this Dow Jones Industrial Average is Apple ($AAPL). It just continues […]

Personal thoughts on recent events in El Paso and Dayton, Ohio

| August 7, 2019

Way too often our citizens in cities and communities across the country suffer at the hands of criminals and most notably disturbed individuals in our society. The topic rises to the top of the political news when there is a mass-killing and the weapon is a semi-automatic firearm and the target are ordinary people living […]

Twitter is a dead bird at the moment …

| July 11, 2019

I tend to use Twitter $TWTR as my daily newsfeed and choice of social media comment platform, but on Thursday afternoon this week, it is not working. For me, it is no big deal, but for reporters and politicians, it is the way they communicate nowadays. It will be interesting to hear what caused the […]

Congratulations – 130 yrs for the Wall Street Journal newspaper

| July 8, 2019

As a newspaper oriented guy from years ago, I have a soft spot for ink on paper and digital journalism (started as local newspaper photog when in high school and worked for Knight Ridder in the 1980s). Even my eventual career path followed from what I learned working for newspaper companies. But as a subscriber, […]

A wide swath of Western Ohio was hit by storms and tornadoes

| May 28, 2019

Thankfully the tornado(es) and severe storms that blasted through Indiana and Ohio last night were all to our north. I checked in with my brother Ron in Tipp City and he was fine, although his home and my nephew Jaben’s (Huber Heights) were in the path of this nighttime storm. The photo of a massive […]

Electrical grid shortcomings in a cyber war or EMP event

| January 16, 2019

Although we hear (or at least I read) about cyber attacks to the U.S. electrical grid and utilities on a regular basis … but I’m not sure we take these events seriously enough? I’ve blogged on this ever since reading One Second After, a detailed factual-fiction story about just how devastating, vulnerable and dependent we […]

Investigating President Trump – a guide posted in

| December 19, 2018

On the political front, special council Robert Mueller has been digging into President Donald Trump’s campaign and practices since May of 2017 (officially: coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump campaign) . His department has unlimited resources and likely can turn over rocks that are not flattering to anyone associated with […]

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the “furthest” of them all?

| August 30, 2018

Of course perception is everything, but here’s a pretty good indicator regarding the media and their reporting/stories bias. About the political L and R split you expected?

Pediatrician Dr. Katelyn Oostra really knows her stuff (smile)

| June 29, 2018

I can’t help myself … but when your daughter is the one the news goes to for summer heat and kids advice … a dad is super proud.

The Assad Regime uses a chemical barrel bomb once again

| April 8, 2018

Seeing images of the children in Douma, a town near Damascus Syria dead or struggling to breath not only makes me sick to my stomach, but inflames my anger with a maddening desire for vengeance against the Assad regime. He and his supporters continue the brutal dictatorship against the Syrian people, this time using a […]

Using journalistic integrity when reporting on President Trump

| November 7, 2017

Ethics in journalism, particularly political content, continues to disappear as the line between editorializing and reporting is blurred. Most who consume "their" brand of NEWS recognize there is truth to the sarcastic #FakeNews hashtag on social networks and President Trump’s regular "tweets" complaining about how his administration is treated by the #MSM (Main Stream Media). […]

TechFriday: Yahoo and Google adopt new look to ire of users

| July 7, 2017

Complaining is getting me nowhere … but those of us old school users of Yahoo and Google continue to be frustrated to see both companies going down the "design for smartphone – card look format" to their pages, even for large display computers. YAHOO A few weeks ago Yahoo Finance forced all users to give […]

Follow-up on Periscope and Meerkat live broadcasting

| April 4, 2015

I watched several broadcasts from the new iOS app introduced this past week called Periscope. It enables iPhone/iPad users to broadcast live video to other “socially networked” viewers (Twitter) just as with the early competitor app MeerKat. Periscope differs slightly as it saves an archive for 24 hours or until deleted (not possible with MeerKat) […]

TechFriday: Playing with Periscope from Twitter

| March 27, 2015

I wasted a couple hours on Thursday morning while “working” (cough, cough) from home and downloaded the Periscope app for iOS on the iPhone.  To the novice “tech geek,” these live broadcasting social networking apps will soon have the Internet filled with video streams. Currently I’m seeing broadcasters like CBNC’s Julia Boorstin (above) jumping on the […]

More Honda dollars headed for Anna Ohio Engine Plant

| January 17, 2015

While visiting my dad in Sidney, Ohio this week I could help but catch the headlines in the local paper – Honda invests $340M in AEP (Anna Engine Plant). The area has certainly changed since I was in high school … and Honda’s manufacturing investment and jobs starting in 1985 has been a real boost […]

TechFriday: Simple Savysoda RSS News Reader App is best

| December 19, 2014

Most media saturated consumers are frustrated using the various apps from big-name news sources for scanning, skimming and reading 100s of news articles each day. Some individual apps are pretty good, others are a real pain … particularly the newer “in your face – ad heavy” versions. The gripes are that each app is different […]

CEO Steve Ballmer intends to retire from Microsoft

| August 23, 2013

  A big announcement day for lovers and haters of the software behemoth Microsoft (MSFT) as CEO Steve Ballmer announced that he intends to step down in the next 12 months. His timeframe will help in making a smooth transition as the board selects a new chief. Ballmer’s management has been flat-footed by all accounts […]

Investors sour on downbeat of negative economic news

| June 1, 2012

The Dow’s gains for the year have been officially wiped away. After thinking 2012 might be the year we work our way out of the long recession, the job numbers tell otherwise. After all the debt-financed stimulus, continued wasteful spending and inefficient use of tax receipts coming from Washington DC … confidence is slipping and […]

Guns, gold, silver coins and pickup trucks – survivalist mentality?

| April 28, 2011

I heard something similar to my posted title the other day on CNBC, and after hearing that the Federal Reserve will continue to keep interest rates low a bit longer, I’m seeing those concerned about inflation moving even further toward taking off-the-grid survivalist measures. Gold “up” – Silver “up” – Food Commodities “up” – Gun […]

Cars for teens, VW TDI diesels, biodiesel and medical school

| April 17, 2011

… and Google Video! With Google shutting down ‘cloud’ storage of videos users may have archived for years on their service, I decided it might be best to save a few important ones to my computer and personal webserver – a lesson for those putting to much trust in ‘cloud’ only storage. Later this month, […]

U.S. Census reports population is 308,745,538

| December 22, 2010

Census report says U.S. population at 308,745,538; up 9.7 percent since 2000.

Washington’s “uncertainty” over taxes – Part 2

| September 24, 2010

Although I may offend some of my hardcore conservative Tea Party friends, I’m in agreement with Charles Krauthammer and enjoy his his columns and commentary (“offend” – in reference to his comments regarding Tea Party favorite Christine O’Donnell)  I appreciate his bright and intelligent arguments … from a conservative point of view … and was […]

Abby Sunderland “is in very good spirits” after being spotted

| June 11, 2010

According to the Search and Rescue crews and the AFESA taskforce leader Will Blackshaw, “Abby is in very good spirits.” From Abby Sunderland’s blog: Search and rescue crew members have described how stricken 16-year-old yachtswoman Abby Sunderland remained “in good spirits” after being spotted from the air yesterday. A crew of 11 SES and FESA […]

BP oil disaster is affecting thousands and will cost billions

| May 4, 2010

According to an Associated Press report, the casualties are starting to show up on the Gulf of Mexico. Experts are hesitate to point to the oil spill as the cause of death for every specie, but it is easy to speculate that oil is a contributing factor for many of the fish and birds. Sea […]

CNBC rings closing bell on Wall Street celebrating 20 years

| April 17, 2009

Although I’m not a big fan of the “pinheaded”politically oriented peacocks managing and broadcasting at NBC news or MSNBC, I have watched the Consumer News and Business Channel (CNBC) since the early 1990s. In fact, their broadcast was the primary reason I switched from rabbit ears to satellite television.They are the 4 to 6 billion […]

Reposting unauthorized online articles, photos or video

| November 13, 2008

Copyright infringement … its a big problem for content creators as the Internet continues to expand by email, blogs and forums — but how big is the problems? Attributor, a company that monitors the re-publication of content, indicates that unauthorized online copies of a content creators’ articles are nearly 1.5 times larger than the readership […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog