RichC | April 16, 2020
For those automotive enthusiasts who are spending A LOT more time at home due to the Coronavirus stay-at-home orders and interested in ways to entertain our minds, try the Automotive blog’s Engine Parts word search. Tom Appel and crew always find something interesting for their blog (and car stuff podcast). Click image larger or […]
Category: Automotive, Blogs, Entertainment, Misc |
Tags: automotive, blog, consumerguide, engine, entertainment, game, parts, tom appel, twitter, word search
RichC | November 14, 2019
Not often, but once in a while there is a television series that hooks both Brenda and me. When “binge-watching” started in earnest, a decade or so ago, it was Jericho for us (although we Tivo-ed it weekly), then 24 (although in 2009 we watch DVDs pre-streaming), and then one of our favorites, FX Networks The […]
Category: Entertainment, Movies |
1 Comment
Tags: amazon, binge, entertainment, man in the high castle, phillip dick, prime, series, television, tv, video, watching
RichC | January 27, 2012
While playing with an image on the text to image site, I thought about using an avatar or personal photo … but instead figured I’d use some “descriptive text” and marry it to a rather frightening photo. After clicking on the photo to enlarge it full size does the somewhat hidden suggestive photo help […]
Category: Computer, Misc, Photos |
Tags: Computer, entertainment, fun, shark
RichC | September 19, 2011
After talking with a few disgruntled NetFlix subscribers (and ex-subscribers) this morning, I can attest that I’m not the only one thinking “spin-off” after CEO Reed Hastings relays the news that their new DVD-by-mail service will be a dying “wholly owned subsidiary” being called Qwikster. Netflix Inc. Chief Executive Reed Hastings said in a blog […]
Category: Entertainment, Financial, Movies, Technology |
Tags: entertainment, finance, Movies, netflix