RichC | November 24, 2021
America has split down the middle on a lot of things that many of us took for granted just a few years ago. Our individual liberty is being eroded away with the help of progressives using propaganda and the heavy hand of the “we know better” bureaucrats to seize more power every day. The mainstream […]
Category: Business, Education, Financial, History, Politics, Travel |
Tags: communism, fascism, freedom, government, liberty, mandates, nazi, passport, propaganda, sharyl attkisson, socialism, twitter
RichC | April 6, 2019
Obviously labeling someone as a “fascist, socialist or an authoritarian dictator” is not new in politics, but the bigger government grows, the more we U.S. voters need to defend America’s founding principles such as individual liberty and personal freedom. During the 2016 campaign and election of President Donald Trump, those on the political left were […]
Category: History, Idioms, Politics, Video |
Tags: Business, communism, economy, fascism, giovanni gentile, idiom, labels, opinion, president, reagan, socialism, trump