RichC | October 11, 2019
My conclusion is that some of my most recent Apple iPhone and iPad iOS update problems stem from having older mobile devices and having loads older apps? That said, the upgrade to the mobile operating system known as iOS 13.1.2 (current) did not go smoothly for me. My iPhone 7plus is a few years old […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Social Media, Tablet, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: apple, fing, ios, iOS13, ipad, iphone, tech friday, techfriday, update, upgrade, virgin mobile, wifi, wireless
RichC | February 14, 2014
Fing is a great little network scanner app available on iOS and Android devices that helped when diagnosing a network printer problem this week. It not really necessary, but is so convenient that I wanted to share it with others. If you are overwhelm with devices, ip and mac addresses and odd names showing up […]
Category: Archive, Software, Technology, Tools |
1 Comment
Tags: apps, fing, hacks, ideas, network, techfriday